comments on new videos


Cathe: I apologize ahead of time for putting this here, but when I tried to add this message to the video comments section, I kept getting a message that I had an uneven number of HTML brackets (and this was BEFORE I added any HTML)and I couldn't get my message to post. :
Re: your 8!! new tapes: they sound great!! In answer to your questions, I would like to see circuit max with either all step cardio, or a combo of step and (hi-lo, preferably "hi intensity low impact", OR kickboxing). Like a good soup, putting TOO many ingredients into the same pot can be overkill. As for omiting abs, how about doing an all-abs video (2 or 4 separate segments) that we can add on to this if we feel like it. You could include an abs section in the DVD version of the workout, and use that same abs section as one on the abs-only video--or, better, "abs and stabilization" video.

Cardio kicks: thanks for gearing this one to exeperienced kickboxers! You're right, there are an awful lot of kb tapes on the market, and I find that those that try to reach all levels--from beginner to advanced--are somewhat lacking. I used to only want to "train" with instructors with a real martial arts background, but after seeing that other non-martial-arts trained instructors (the better ones) can do justice to kickboxing workouts, I'm ready to see what you have to offer! Floor abs work isn't necessary, and if it will cut down the amount of time spent kicking, I'd prefer it be omitted, but there could be some focused standing abs work included.
Re: cross training express: an awesome idea! I would, however, like to see an extra 5 minutes added on to some of the weight work (10 minutes seems a bit minimal--but it depends on the type of exercises). Another alternative (which I actually would prefer) is to do two body parts per video, using supersets of opposing muscle groups which, by my count, would make 1 less video: video 1: chest/upper and mid back; video 2: legs; video 3: shoulders; video 4: abs/lower back; video 5: biceps/triceps. I'd also like to see --on this or a future video--some weight workouts based on the pre-exhaust system (doing isolation exercises before compound exercises, to pre-exhaust the major muscle worked, and get a more efficient workout in less time--but you probably already know that
. I'd also like to see a slower pace on reps. Also, I second (or third?) the idea of including rotator cuff exercises with the shoulder tape (which I would do myself anyway, but it's nice to work along "with" someone!)
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