Comment and question for A-jock


Hey A-jock,
I just want to let you know that I find your posts very helpful and informative. When I see that you have posted or replied to a post I am always sure to read it.

I have a question in regards to the mish-mosh you posted in reply to "my thighs are really ugly." I own 10-10-10, BC, and the CTX series. The one thing I am lacking is the MIC. Would you have another suggestion that I could use in place of the high/lo segment of MIC?

Also, what weight do you use for the barbell squats and lunges workout you do during CMax?

Thanks in advance for your time and keep posting!
I agree! A-Jock's posts are very helpful and informative and I enjoy reading them too. They're also extremely well-written (loved your "bald poem," A-Jock -- are you a writer, BTW?), but I especially like her evil (sick?) sense of humor that shines through in a lot of her posts. Keep on postin', A-Jock!
You are so right. She creates those mish-moshes that force you to the next level, or kill you while trying. }( }( .
She is a genius!! I also read everything she writes.
Last night I tried Aquajock's hi/lo mish mosh...oh my goodness...

In my opinion, the warm-up and first 5 minutes of MIC was the only thing low about it. I forgot about the intensity blasts in the 10/10/10 hi/lo section. There are a lot of airborne jumps…

Well, I loved this "mish mosh" but I wish I hadn't tried it the day after LL. My legs were feeling very tired when I got to the ice breakers in BootCamp. My legs did not want to cooperate anymore.

So, Aquajock, thank you for posting this. I am just not creative(or crazy :) ) and would never have put these sections together.

Everyone should try it! It was tons of "sick" fun :7
Another A-jock fan, here, too! I find A-jock's humor extremely funny and she's honest and dead on with her advice.

I did her hi/lo mish-mosh this morning as I needed a long cardio and wanted something different. It was a great workout! I was happy to get to the Bootcamp part, as that feels more like intervals because you get that little break in between each segement! Nothing wrong with some challenging cardio to jump-start your day.

Thanks A-jock, and don't quit posting anytime soon!
Hi, Angela and all! I'm sorry it took me so long to reply - I don't have access to a computer on weekends/holidays, so I'm only now checking in.

For a good substitution for MIC, I'd suggest using the warm-up and hi/lo (or lo/hi) segment from Power Circuit, OR something new and different: do the warm-up and first hi/lo segment from C-Max, then fast-forward thru the first resistance cycle to get to the second hi/lo segment and do that. In all honesty, that second option is more intense IMHO than the MIC warm-up and lo- to mid-range impact segments. Also, you may note from another post from a couple of weeks ago that this mish-mosh (that I like to call "Hi/Lo Heaven) you get some unexpected ab benefits from this combo as well, what with all the long-arm movement and high-kicking.

I use a 45-lb barbell for squats and lunges in C-Max. Because I'm hiking the barbell over my head 6 times in C-Max, I don't want to go any heavier than that and risk whacking out my shoulders. Every now and then I toy with the idea of folding in some dumbbell forward and rear lunges - I may do that soon.

Glad you are enjoying the mish-mosh! Try this one: Rhythmic Step warm-up, Power Circuit circuit segment, and Boot Camp cardio+lower body premix. Did that yesterday - what a blast!

And thanks to all for your kind wrods! And your kind words too!


RE: P.S. . . .

Are any of you that are doing Aqua-Jock's mish-mosh using a multi-disc DVD player or are you using a single disc player? I only have a single one and was wondering if it would be too much of a pause waiting to get through the copyright and intro sections, but I really would like to try these. They sound like awesome combo's! Thanks A-Jock!!

RE: P.S. . . .

Hi Linda-

I use a 3 disc changer, but I would still do it if I had a one disc player. You could always jog in place or do somethinh else while waiting! :7
RE: P.S. . . .

I want to get MIC so bad, but I just preorderd the Body Blast series and since I've discovered Cathe in February of this year I have ordered TONS of her workouts! I have to holdout, but I one day want to purchase this workout!
Thanks for your reply. So far I have only tried your Cmax mish-mosh...LOVED it, but WHEW HOO is all I can say!!!! I was gasping for air and needed recovery periods!
RE: Gogigi-Angela . . .

Yes, when you've financially recovered from the Body Blast expense I think the next best purchase is the Rhythmic Step / Interval Max / MIC DVD. (You do use DVD's, don't you?)

I'm a late convert to hi/lo; after years of step and my own aqua instruction, it's a totally refreshing change!

Thanks again for your kind words! Keep up the good work!

Hi on Hi/Lo
RE: Gogigi-Angela . . .

Yes, I do use DVD's. Um....when I was thinking about getting a single disc DVD player you answered my post telling of the joys and advantages of a 5 Disc DVD player and told me not to wast my money on a single disc DVD player. Well, I now own the Sony 5 Disc DVD player thanks to your input! So as you can see, I REALLY read and use the information you post...tee hee.

I own RS and Imax on video but will eventually get this DVD so I can own MIC too. Plus, as you already know, I will just be increasing my workout options by purchasing this DVD!}(

Thanks for helping me spend my money! I only hope I can someday help someone else spend their money the way you have helped me spend mine! LOL!}( }(
Have a good one!
Me Too!!!!

Aqua Jock,

Sign me up as President of the Aqua Jock Fan Club!!

I love your Mish-Moshes you come up with. Sometimes they even challenge me! (ha)

Your Fiend in Fitness}(

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