<--- Comin' up in the world

<--thinks Shelley should go for the swimsuit
<--tells Evily friend had a c-section with lots o' blood
<--reports she even gave the medical staff a scare but all is ok now thanks to the beauty of pain killers and attentive husbands and wacky friend like <--
<--thanks Michele and asks her for extra pillows as <-- tends to be high maintenance
<- is here with a moment to spare
<- waves another hello all
<--- wonders if Nance made it to work yet?
<--- hands Phyllis yet another box of tissues for the graduation
<--- congratulates Amelia on the A in Medical Term!
<--- yells at Robin to wake up
<--- waves back to Catherine and wonders why she’s tired?
<--- is on her way to Beth’s to help with party prep
<--- will act as bouncer and evict all those who didn’t RSVP for her
<--- is thrilled to see Debster back safe and sound
<--- is jumping up and down with excitement over Shannon’s special visit because IT’S TO VISIT ß-
<--- thinks Ronne should share the hamper
<--- wonders which football team is local to Ronne?
<--- tells Michele that we’re still waiting for trip details!
<--- thinks Athena is gorgeous but that she needs to grow into those ears!
<--- is glad Beavs’ friend is doing okay
<--- wonders if Evily is still jacking on us?:p
<--- thanks all for the input on the swimsuit
<--- thinks she got everyone
<---likes the bathingsuit and admires anyone who could wear it
<---can't wear boyshort anything
<---is totally bored and feels a headache coming on
<---needs entertainment
<---sits back and waits for the show to begin
<---oh, congratulates Beav's friend on baby as the houselights dim
<--runs in real quick
<--apologizes for not being around this weekend
<--'s schedule was wacky!
<--is running out to get hair cut and highlighted
<--had a couple of "blonde" moments last week so decided to make it "official"
<--needs to read ^^^^^, but later!
<--- arrives a little late today & waves at everyone!
<--- is tired from all of Shelley's running this morning
<--- congratulates Phyllis on her DS's graduation & tells her to keep lots of Puffs on hand
<--- dried at a friend's DD's graduation a few weeks ago... & also cries at weddings... & when babies are born... etc.
<--- hopes Robin can stay awake today & sleep better tonight
<--- congratulates Amelia on her "A"!
<--- wonders why Catherine is in need of ZZZ's too?
<--- didn't sleep well last night for no real reason
<--- is off to help Beth with her party prep & agrees with Beavs about the beer suggestion
<--- wishes Debbie much luck getting reacquainted with Cathe
<--- thinks she is in for DOMS
<--- has DOMS from PUB y-day
<--- hopes Shannon enjoys her day off
<--- is very excited that she will be seeing Shelley on vacation
<--- congratulates Ronne on her cool raffle gifts!
<--- wonders what Michele found good to eat for breakfast?
<--- is hungry for lunch now
<--- tells Melissa that Athena is SO cute & thanks her for sharing the photos
<--- tells Nancy that <--- had yummy blueberries in her cereal this morning... YUM!
<--- hopes the price of air fares drop for Emily!
<--- concentrates hard, sending low air fare vibes her way
<--- is glad Beavs met a new bundle of joy but also very sorry that her friend had such a traumatic delivery
<--- loves Shelley's swimsuit & agrees that she should order it
<--- can't wear boy shorts
<--- wonders what kind of entertainment Robin is looking for?
<--- likes Shelley's suggestion!
<--- thinks the pin/brooch Michele ordered is very pretty!
<--- is off to do some yoga before eating lunch
<--- does it in her cubicle after everyone else leaves
<--- had a BLAST this morning & thinks y'all will know what that means
<--- must go for now but will BBL!

<--- edits to wave at Amy & hopes she enjoys her hi-lites!
<--tells Kel <--also just didn't sleep well last night
<--thinks it was a combo of allergies and hot flashes/night sweats
<--wonders when that will ever end :(
<--tells Shelly to go for the suit it's too cute!!
<--LOL at Amy making her blonde moments official
<--thinks Michele is might chatty today and it's a good thing!
<--sends Robin some excedrin for her h/a
<--is hoping to muster up energy for IMAX 2 after work
<--glad to see Beavs made it back from camping and sends her hugs for her friend
<--good to see Deb around and hope things slow down for her
<--thinks <--just saw Emily plie jacking down the road
<--sending Nancy anti DOMS vibes
<--hates it when DOMS linger!!
<--loves seeing Melissa's pics of Athena
<--asks Ronne to please pass the tortilla chips and dip :9
<--is excited for Shannon and her travel plans
<--hopes Beth party goes off without a hitch
<--says ok, is exhausted after all of that- whew!!
<--time for a nap
<--oh wait, can't take one x(
<--ok maybe will just have lunch instead

Catherine http://www.smileyhut.com/silly/arrowhead.gif

<---wakes up and thanks Michele for the show
<---likes the Stooges smilies and the Idol guys
<---is now re-bored
<--- tells Robin to please share her happy PM so the rest of us can smile, too!!!
<--- has more news that will surely produce smiles
<--- has heard from Melvin!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
<--- sent Sis a birthday e-card that she finally viewed today
<--- says Mel and her DS's are doing well
<--- says they are moving off the mountaintop and back to civilization
<--- is relieved because moving back to town will help relieve a burden or two for our dear Sis!
<--- says Sis's DH has a new job that he is excited about
<--- does not know when they are moving
<---thanks Catherine for the wake up call
<---is relieved to hear Melvin is still alive and kicking
<---was really hoping she would stop by for an update on her birthday
<---understands how moving with everything else she had going on could get in the way of Cathe-time
<---tells Michele the PM promises some Canadian artwork in the mail
<---Runs through thread...
<---Loves new swimmie suit
<---Thinks you guys are very nice
<---Thinks Athena's ears must not grow anymore
<---Glad to hear most of you are okay!
<---Feels like she has been late all day!
<---Better scoot!
<--- is back at work again so pops back in
<--- loves Michele's show (wonders if that's Phil Collins in the middle of the top one?)
<--- tells Robin and Catherine to WAKE UP!!!!!
<--- tells Shelley to buy the swimming costume (love the colour)
<--- congratulates Beavs' friends on new bundle of joy
<--- hopes Amy likes her blonde look
<--- sends some pranayama (?) to Kel
<--- sends coffee, dips, chips, and fizzy wine to anyone who needs it!


<--- has also been late all day -- lol!
<--- has had many interruptions that, for once, are welcome
<--- thinks we have a budding young artist north of the border:)
<--- can deifintely see why Robin would be smiling
<--- just got another email from Sis
<--- says Sis is in the midst of packing but she will TRY to stop by Cathe today
<--- says Sis was touched to know that we still post and inquire about her
<--- knows that she misses us as much as we miss her;)
<--- says Sis is hoping the move will give her more time to socialize with us
<---comes back in screaming
<---says y'all are way too chatty but <---loves ya bunches
<---finished IM3 blasts only and BS&B.
<---thinks Cathe handed <---lungs in a pretty box.
<---feels pretty pumped...now.
<---gives huge squeezie puffy heart (((hugs))) vibes to all
<---plyojacks off to find the donut whispering sweet nothings
<---thinks, where for art thou, oh round cholesteroly goodness?


I don't really think, I just walk.
--Paris Hilton

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