Combining Videos


I use MIS 3 days a week and am wondering if in between those days I could also do the floorwork in The Firm Vol.1 video.
Does anyone else do this? Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks, Donna.
Question for you . . . why MIS 3 days a week? I'm just concerned that if you do MIS 3 days a week and then floor work, you're going to over train your lower body. Would you be willing to do MIS 2 days a week and Vol 1 1 day a week? Do you do cardio between your strength days?

Keta. :D

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>Question for you . . .
>why MIS 3 days a
>week? I'm just concerned
>that if you do MIS
>3 days a week and
>then floor work, you're going
>to over train your lower
>body. Would you be
>willing to do MIS 2
>days a week and Vol
>1 1 day a week?
> Do you do cardio
>between your strength days?
>Keta. :D
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The reason I do MIS 3 days a week is because I thought you were supposed to if you wanted to make any kind of strength gains.
I haven't worked in cardio yet,but I definitely should :) I'm not sure I'd have the energy to. I geuss I could cut back one MIS day ,but I'm afraid of losing strength I've gained up to this point. I see your point about the firm vol.1 possible overtraining. It just seems to hit muscles in different places.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-01 AT 11:47PM (Est)[/font][p]Ah I understand. Ok, one thing to consider is that you'll need to change your workout routine ever 4 to 6 weeks so that way you can continue to make developmental progress. It's called muscle confusion. Otherwise your body will get used to the routine and things will get easier for you, but your body will stop responding with new development and making further progress.

So, if you're willing to give it a whirl, consider MIS one day, then a day off, then Vol 1, then a day off, then a cardio type of a tape, then a couple of days off. Do it for 4 weeks. By the time the end of 4 weeks rolls around, it'll be easier for you. Then you change it and your body gets confused and it forces it to try to adapt and develop further.

Then you change it around again. For example: Power hour, then a day off, Vol 2, then a day off, then another cardio type tape, and then a couple of days off. You'll be a fitness guru by the end of 8 weeks.

Some people do 12 weeks rotations, but it's usually when they change their workout schedules every couple of weeks and then repeat the couple of weeks again for 6 times.

The only thing that I'd be worried about is that you'd be over training your lower body and over training is no fun. I hit over training this year and I couldn't sleep, I was constantly in an aching pain, I was terribly tired all the time. Just a thought.

Keta. :D

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Just wanted to thank you for the helpful suggestions.
Did not know that body needs muscle confusion. Will definetly add more variety to workouts:) I don't want to ruin my progress so far. thanks again. donna.

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