Combining Rotations

Lean Lori

Hi Cathe!

My question is regarding the Sept(butts & guts) and Oct(upper body bliss) rotations. Would combining them to do say one week of butts & guts then one week of upper body(or two weeks at a time) be a good idea, or is it better to just do the four week rotation as is and then move on to the next one? This way it would kind of be a two-month total body rotation, with a different emphasis each week. Would doing that defeat the purpose of the rotations? I really appreciate that you take the time to read and respond to so many of our questions, thank you!

Hi Cathe!

My question is regarding the Sept(butts & guts) and Oct(upper body bliss) rotations. Would combining them to do say one week of butts & guts then one week of upper body(or two weeks at a time) be a good idea, or is it better to just do the four week rotation as is and then move on to the next one? This way it would kind of be a two-month total body rotation, with a different emphasis each week. Would doing that defeat the purpose of the rotations? I really appreciate that you take the time to read and respond to so many of our questions, thank you!


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