I'd like your thoughts on something...
I currently workout 5-6 days per week; 3 45-minute Cardio workouts and 2-3 Strength-Training workouts(either MIS twice or the PS Series once). I'm having trouble keeping up this pace - not from a physical standpoint, but from a timing standpoint. So, I was wondering -- what if I combined my Cardio and Strength workouts? Would I be "losing out" on anything? Here's what I had in mind:
Monday: 45 minutes Cardio, plus the Legs and Abs sections of one of your strength tapes
Wednesday: 45 minutes Cardio, plus the Back and Chest sections of one of your tapes
Friday: 45 minutes Cardio, plus the Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps sections of one of your tapes.
This would cut my workouts down to 3 days a week, which is more manageable for me, but still give me all the same Cardio and strength training workouts - just split up differently. Is this a realistic option? Or is there something I'm not considering that makes this less than ideal? I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.
I'd like your thoughts on something...
I currently workout 5-6 days per week; 3 45-minute Cardio workouts and 2-3 Strength-Training workouts(either MIS twice or the PS Series once). I'm having trouble keeping up this pace - not from a physical standpoint, but from a timing standpoint. So, I was wondering -- what if I combined my Cardio and Strength workouts? Would I be "losing out" on anything? Here's what I had in mind:
Monday: 45 minutes Cardio, plus the Legs and Abs sections of one of your strength tapes
Wednesday: 45 minutes Cardio, plus the Back and Chest sections of one of your tapes
Friday: 45 minutes Cardio, plus the Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps sections of one of your tapes.
This would cut my workouts down to 3 days a week, which is more manageable for me, but still give me all the same Cardio and strength training workouts - just split up differently. Is this a realistic option? Or is there something I'm not considering that makes this less than ideal? I'd really appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.