Combining cardio with PS Series



I am going to be starting a PS rotation soon. I have decided to do PS BBA on Sundays, PS SLA on Tuesdays, and PS CST on Thursdays. I will probably do cardio on Saturdays, Mondays, and Wednesdays and a long stretch video on Tuesdays. Friday is usually my rest day. I want to add one more cardio day. If I do a short cardio tape the same day as PS BBA or PS CST, is it better to do it immediately before or after? Thanks for your help!
Strength or cardio first?

My understanding is that it depends on your goals, Danielle.

If you are trying to focus on building lean muscle, the conventional wisdom is to do your strength work first. Warning: if you do this, expect to have less energy during your cardio workout.

If you are trying to build cardio endurance or capacity, do your cardio workout first. In this case, you'll find you may be more tired during your strength work and might find yourself fatiguing faster or able to lift a little less.

If your goal is fat loss, you have to find the best balance between strength work and cardio work to achieve this. If you've already got a solid muscle base but are weak on cardio, you'll probably see better results if you focus on the cardio. But if you need to firm up and add some muscle, you should focus on the strength work. Both strength and cardio burn fat, just in different ways. (And don't forget flexibility of course!)

You may find other factors influence your decision. For me, I HAVE to do cardio first, strength second because of my kids. I work out early in the morning and they usually wake up before I'm done. I can blast through my strength work with an audience of pre-schoolers, (well, my daughter tries to mess up my count sometimes ...) but I find it impossible to do my cardio workouts without kicking one of them in the head. And so, I do cardio first.

Of course, I love cardio the most anyway. So that works for me!
Thanks Daphne

You certainly gave me a lot to think about:).
I definitely like cardio better than strength work, so I probably will start by trying that first. As far as what I need to work on, probably both increasing cardio endurance and capacity, and building lean muscle. I'm not too concerned about fat loss at this point, but if I continue to eat like I did today (1/2 a pint of Ben and Jerrys ice cream), I may be soon!
Which to do first?

I will do both on the same day, but will sometimes do strength in the morning and later in the day do cardio, or vice-versa. I don't always like to do both back-to-back. Too much! But then my bod is 50 years. young.

Hi Danielle,
I have to agree with the others. I think you need to find whatever order you are most comfortable with. I've done it both ways. I prefer cardio first now also, it just sort of seemed my body prefers it that way. I also want to let you know, I had been doing cardio 5 days a week for about 2 years and then I added 3 days a week of strength/toning and dropped my cardio down to 3 days a week. Well, I saw results within the first week! I could actually see the increase in muscle tone. I was amazed, but I assume it was because I'm so fit cardio wise that the muscle responded quickly. Great motivation for me to continue.

I have the same problem as Daphne with having to get up early before my daughter gets up and I found out the hard way I need to put my dogs out before I do any floor work. They decided my floor mat was for them to lie on and of course when I turn over to work my other side, I come face to face with my dog's...well...butt. Not really what I want to be looking at at 4:30 in the morning. Oh the joy of owning pets : )
Hope this helps you
What I've found works for me

Danielle, Daphne as usual has some wonderful words of wisdom. I know that with me, my focus sometimes goes back and forth between increasing my strength and increasing my cardio capacity. Changing my focus also keeps it interesting for me. I used to be a die-hard cardio-before-strength person. I decided to try doing strength before cardio on my strength days, and I really liked the results. Now what I do (I do cardio 5-6 days per week) is when I'm combining cardio and strength I do strength first and consider it a "lighter" cardio day, and on my cardio-only days I push harder (and often also focus on flexibility as well). That way I'm alternating "hard/easy" days, and I believe, getting the best of both worlds.

Thanks Kristin

I really like your suggestion and it will be a good way to incorporate some of my favorite "lighter" cardio videos into my rotation. I have a feeling that doing these videos immediately after a PS tape, they won't seem so easy to me.:)
Thanks Laura

Your post made me very excited to start these PS tapes. I hope I have as good results!
The image of your dogs was too funny!:)

Doing them both the same day - morning and afternoon sounds like the perfect solution, unfortunately my schedule (mostly from my kids) doesn't allow that at this time.


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