CLX PUSH phase


I just started CLX Push phase today, and I LOVE it!

Short, but challenging: 6-8 reps to failure.

I got most weight choices right---without having to do any kind of 1RM test;)--but need to adjust on some for next week.

I think I'll be dusting off my Rockit to use for at least the final set of lower body so I can go to failure safely with a weight that challenges my legs without riskiing my back.

I used my squat racks for the first tiime in a workout (Ï've 'played' with them before), and I SO much prefer them to cleaning and pressing the bar to get it on my shoulders. And my shoulders seem to like it better as well!

Anybody else doing CLX Push?
I started my second week of Push today. I am really enjoying these workouts also!
The first week I went to 8 reps -- today I upped everything an could barely get to 6 -- so I am there! :D
Hey Kathryn, nyxblack1 over on VF.

I have only gotten to do PC1 so far, and I liked it a lot. : ( I was supposed to do the 2nd one tonight but a friend asked me to go to a movie. I have a toddler so I haven't done that in a while, so I'm just gonna make it up tomorrow.

I need something to go much heavier on legs. I have two 10 lb (each) ankle weights that I strapped together and made a 20 lb weight belt since some other people suggested that. But I can only lift about 50 lb. overhead w/my barbell, and the combined weight still wasn't quite enough. And with there only being a few sets for legs, I feel I need to go as heavy as possible. I need a squat rack...I am jealous! :D

I am eyeing that BD-3 Valor stand thing...I like the price.
I am almost done with the push phase (I am with a group of women doing the program and we started with push about a month ago).

I love it too! I am stronger than I have EVER been! My body is still leaning out (losing inches, not pounds). I can't wait to see what the next phases bring!

The workouts are so fun and like Kathryn said...time efficient!!! My life is as busy as everyone else's , and I am still committed to my fitness. The Chalean Extreme program is allowing me to feel like I can get an awesome workout in half the time!

So...yep! I am in the push phase and looking forward to more!!
My body is doing the same thing. I am losing inches and not pounds. At first this was bothering me. I have noticed on several conversations about this series that I am not alone. :)
I weighed myself before starting the Push phase, and I weight EXACTLY THE SAME, to the DECIMAL POINT of when I weighed myself before Burn. BUT, I look better and am stronger, so I obviously lost some fat and gained some muscle (an even exchange, weightwise, it seems, unless I lost/gained something else!).

The Lean phase is supposed to be the one that really digs into the fat stores.

I'm just enjoying the process, and loving the way these workouts feel (and fit into my very hectic schedule this semester. If I were doing STS instead, I know I would end up not doing most of the workouts. I'm saving that until May, when school is out).
The group I'm doing CLX with plan to start STS in May.
Great minds think a like - ;)
I am looking forward to the Lean phase too!
I really like the push phase, too -- I wasn't a big fan of the combination moves. Even though I'm lifting heavier, I felt more tired and worn out during the last phase -- that is, I feel better during this push phase. I'm anxious to get STS going and will be out of town next week, so I may skip the lean or do it next week. I've liked CLX, but I feel like I'm not working as hard as I would with Cathe (even though I'm pretty spent when I'm done).

I LOVE the push phase even more than burn. I am experiencing the same thing as you all in terms of inches/weight. I really really like the program, the length and Chalene.

I'm with Jann -doing STS in May. I run too though and think I may have to break up the leg workout over a couple days. Someone also suggested on the STS forum to extend Mesocycle 1 and do it twice if you are training for a half marathon. They thought MS3 would be too hard while running.

I'm having no problem running with CLX workouts. I love that you do legs every time. :)
I'm considering buying this program I'm trying to search the forums about it but I dont know how to navigate my wy around can someone help me.
The group I'm doing CLX with plan to start STS in May.
I might join you. :) I'm finishing my second week of Push tomorrow and will be through with Lean by the end of March. I might take April to play around with other w/os and make sure my 1RM are all in order. I've been spoiled by the length of CLX. I'll probably die when I start STS.:eek:
I'm not in the Push phase yet, still in Burn, but I am loving CLX! This is so different from anything I have done before. The abbreviated time of these workouts is fabulous. I don't know how I am going to psych myself up to do longer weight sessions again. Maybe I won't :p

Hi, Jess!
I found this thread, by searching for "Chalene":

Unfortunately, CLX doesn't work as a search term.

What info are you looking for?

Yes, not being able to search for 3 letter words is the worst part of the forum since 4DS, GS, S&H, CTX, PUB, etc. are used much more often than their unabbreviated counterparts.

One (imperfect) solution to this is to sort the threads by title, and then find the search term by brute force. So CLX related search terms start at the bottom of the following page:

This of course misses the threads that do not start with CLX but has CLX in it nevertheless.

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