clomid users


New Member
I am new to this site and have a question regarding the use of clomid to help get pregnant. However, I must first say that I think it is a wonderful thing how everyone here helps others out with such sincerity. There are some topics that can only be understood by people who have actually experienced the actual situations.

I am looking to find out from others who have taken clomid to induce ovulation in order to get pregnant and what their experience was while taking it.

I have recovered from an eating disorder that I had when I was 25, I am now 32. I stopped birth control at 26 and have never had a period since then. I have had numerous medical tests and have been told that basically it is a combination of my eating disorder, stress, excessive exercise, and getting off the pill--some doctors call it hypothalamic failure. The only way I do get a period is with birth control pills, so now that my husband and I are trying to have a child, I have been put back on birth control to get a period, so that I can take clomid (50mg.)

We have only been on this plan for one month and I know it can take some time--my doctor will keep me at 50mg. for 3 months, then 100mg for 3 months and finally 150 mg. for 3 months-- if it doesn't work, then we need to try something else. I was just curious to know what is ahead for me because I have heard some horror stories from people who took it, it not working, and they suffered from extreme mood swings, excessive weight gain and severe acne. There attitude about the side effects may be exaggerated since they went through all of that without conceiving.

Sorry for being so long-- it's just that I would really appreciate any advice, personal stories or recomendations anyone may have.

Thanks so much--Kim
Hi Kim,

My oldest son was conceived by using Clomid - today is his 12th birthday. I tried Clomid again years later, but it didn't work for me and I had to go on to more aggressive fertility treatments. Anyway, I do remember being moody from the hormones, but no excessive weight gain or acne. I think I remember that some women get hot flashes or blurred vision, but I may be thinking of something else (I took a lot of meds to get pregnant again!). The mood swings weren't terrible and some of the moodiness may have been caused by the stress of trying to get pregnant. For me, taking Clomid was not a big deal but other women may be more sensitive to it.

I also suffered from eating disorders and was diagnosed with hypothalamus dysfunction. This was several years ago (after my first 3 children were born) and I couldn't get a period even with meds. A couple of years later, I started getting periods on my own but they were 7-8 weeks apart. After 3 periods, I found myself unexpectedly pregnant - that was quite a surprise and we had a baby girl last August.

I don't really have any advice. Some things that I did was take my basal temp. to see if I ovulated or not with the Clomid. Also, my doctor did midcycle ultrasounds to see if any of my eggs were maturing but that was only after several unsuccessful cycles. I also got a shot of HCG to release the mature egg during the cycle that my son was conceived, but once again this was after several unsuccessful cycles. Also, I think I've heard that higher doses of Clomid could affect your cervical mucus making it harder for fertilization to occur. But hopefully, the Clomid will work for you quickly and these are things you won't have to consider!

Good luck!

Hi Erica-- thank you for sharing your story with me--it really helps me to know as much as possible about this! It seems like it could be a real challenge to conceive a child, but I am willing to do what I can to be able to give a little angel a birthday. Wishing your son a very happy birthday!!! Thank you again!

Ick, is all I have to say (though i know many people who conceived quickly with low dose Clomid--and had healthy babies).
I was on Clomid for too many months to count, and did higher doses (150 & up). I responded well, but never got pg.
we have since done 2 IVFs (both neg).
Anyway, Clomid is an estrogen antagonist, so you get a lot of menopause symptoms--hot flashes (which were atrocious), moodiness, etc.
Not all women get them, though.
I was a maniac on it--a raving lunatic. And I could have melted nearby ice sculptures while having a hot flash.
The IVF drugs were a piece of cake by comparison.

Wow--sorry. Just my 2 cents.
I am sure you will have no problem.

I did IVF also (several times unsuccessfully) and was a basket case on the drugs!

Funny how different our reactions to the meds were!


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