Cleda Ride Report


Nancy C

Anyone that reads the checkin might remember that Cleda is doing the Bear Mountain NY to Boston Aids ride this week:).

I hooked up with her last night on her second sleep over. I was able to catch her as she rode in. She looks great and feels great..I was so proud of her!!! She was up to 160 miles as of last night. She said it was like doing MIC & MIS back to back and then repeating it!

Today is their longest day. 107 miles out of CT and into RI..right straight through for their last nights sleep before finishing in Boston tomorrow.

I was able to meet up with Cleda and ride a very short distance this morning (they pass about a mile away from my house!)...just to say good luck again and give her an "atta girl"! She has a beautiful day for the ride:). I just rode a short distance due to the amount of "real" riders around and I didn't want to mess anyone up...especially Cleda;-) after about 1/2 mile (told you it was quick) I gave Cleda a hug at a stop light and sent her on her journey.

Great Job Cleda!
Nancy, I'm so glad you were able to meet with her. I am sure it helped her alot and is keeping "her spirits high!"

Thanks for posting!

Thanks for the report. I was wondering how it was going for her. I'm glad she is doing so well. I know she has worked and trained hard for it. Did she really feel like she had done MIS and MIC together....gulp....twice? I hope not! I would be in the hospital after that! Anyway, glad she is doing well.

Thanks Nancy!

Thanks so much for reporting to us about Cleada! How fun! I have kept up on a few of her posts over at VF and I know she has worked REALLY HARD to get to this point. Don't know if you all know this, but Cleda is a real "SUCCESS" story. Nanc, do you remember how much weight Cleda has lost? I know it was good amount.

I can't wait to hear her report when she gets back. Hope she will posts one here. Thanks again, Nancy.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Cleda lost??...

Hi Nancy,
I've been thinking about Cleda & her husband surprised me with a bike last week & she was the first thing I thought of! Sounds like she's doing great, just like we knew she would!
Thanks for letting us know. I'm sure seeing you helped her very much indeed.

What a ride!
Thanks for the report Nancy - I've been thinking of Cleda this week and wondering how she was doing.
I'll bet seeing you gave her an extra boost for her last day!
Way to go Cleda!!
Oh Good!

Nancy, I'm so glad that you posted a Cleda update & that she's doing so well.

So are you inspired to join her on a century now?? There must be some beautiful fall centuries in your corner of the country.


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