Hi Melanie! I live in Va with my dh and mom. We have 2 daughters, age 10 and 16. I work full time and am always trying to get better with eating and working out (mainly eating)

I saw the pics of your girls; they are precious!!
Lisa, sorry things were so hectic for you and I hope you and your dh and his family are doing ok. Great job with being of Week 7 of p90x.
Kate, good job on resisting the brownies

What workout did you choose?
Colleen, glad you were finally able to get some rest in and are feeling better. After kickbox today, the legs are no better
Becky, I also get migraines. You did great making the cake and getting through the party with one. Your cakes are great!
Katie, the party plans sound like they are coming along well. That is such a wonderful thing to do for your mom!
Klaudia, yea for the good sports night! How did Athletic Step go?
Robin, that is a good savings on the cost. I need to take my oldest for contacts and now my youngest's vision is starting to get worse. Was hoping she would keep the great vision, she could see so well, but right about this age it seems everyone in my family needs glasses.
Wendy, I sometimes don’t think I even know what the wagon looks like anymore, BUT today I was good. Now I just need to keep it up for the rest of the week.
Angie, I had the same problem with shopping yesterday, don’t know where the money went! Good luck with the bed wetting, I hope you are getting more sleep tonight
Nina, I am glad your lunch with your mom went well. Does she have a chronic condition or is the pain from something new? My mom has so many chronic conditions, it seems like there is always something hurting her.
Anne, that is great that you got your workouts in on both days!! And, glad your visit went better than last time.
Busy day yesterday with dance and the store and today trying to get some cleaning/organizing done since I have the long weekend. Mma kickbox is done and I’ve done much better with the eating today. It’s been clean and the right amount. Have a good night!