Hi everyone!
Katie, sorry about all the work, public service is so hard
I am glad help will be coming soon!
Angie, I know the girls were so happy about lunch
Have fun w/the studying!
Kate, glad you are feeling well today! Have fun w/your errands!
Nina, enjoy your swim and yoga!
Klaudia, I have seen your pics and you look great! I hope you can get out of your funk today
Go for the sleeveless shirt in the middle of winter to make you feel better
Just kidding
Becky, glad you were able to sleep
What other workouts are like stepworks? That is one I don’t have.
Colleen, great workout and great job on adding in extra abs! I saw they had put up snow for us-I really hope it doesn’t come!
Did MMA Boxing yesterday. Feeling better again today, but still slightly light-headed. Eating is back on track after the kettle chip fiasco the other night
The day is flying! I have been trying to post since 9:00 and something keep coming up! Hope everyone has a great day!