Colleen, I am sooooo jealous of your run in the rain - I love running in the rain! I am so anxious for warmer, longer days so I can move some of my runs outside. I haven't read any mention of your job lately - how's it going?
Kate, how are you feeling this morning? Did J sleep thru the night? You really have a dilemma on your hands - I have no advice. Will you let J wean herself?
Angie, I watched your video on FB and tried to comment but it told me there was an error. How cute! How did you take video with your phone? When is your next big test?
Nina, send me some of your 'several-pc-and-clean-eating-days' vibes. I am really in a rut these days.
Klaudia, nice to hear from you. How are you feeling today after 80% yesterday?
Clintonya, I am going to visit my mom in Richmond in a few weekends. Eventually we need to get together!
Hi Becky, Robin, Wendy, Lisa.... I am sure I forgot someone, so sorry!
Sorry for my bad attitude yesterday morning - I am dealing with so many things right now, but I need to try to be more positive about it all. The fight with Chris was pretty minor, so I am hoping that the tears were a sign on pg hormones but who knows, could be PMS too
I sort-of lost in on my boss at work yesterday. She inadvertently discovered how much work I have un-done in my office and (politely) confronted me about it. I said that it wasn't done because I wasn't given proper time to do it all. I told her that I work every minute from the time I get to work until the time I leave and I often work thru lunch and I still leave tons of work undone and if they are giving me more work than I can handle, that is THEIR fault and not mine. So - I am getting help
The hiring of the new people is such a process since we are a non-profit, so she is getting me help to get caught up in the meantime.
My workouts are in such a deep rut right now it's not even funny. Since my various bouts with illness, I have gotten back into workout out, but there is no dedication or coherence to what I am doing. I am just going thru the motions. No wonder nothing is changing with my body! In thinking about this, I knew I needed something new and fun to jolt me out of this. So..... (don't laugh) ..... I ordered Brazil Butt Lift from BB the other day. I hope it will come by the weekend so I can get started. I just need something that I will look forward to each morning to drag me out of the bed - kwim?
Okay, enough rambling. Have a lovely Tuesday!