It is hot and humid here too and it is supposed to be worse this weekend. We have had the AC on since sometime in April. I married a polar bear and he can't stand the heat. If it is too hot for him he just lays on the couch and if you ask him what is wrong he says nothing.
Kate, glad you were able to burn off the frosting. I hate it when it jumps into my mouth
Jenn, let me know how the quinoa salad is.
Shirl, good job on the meals!
Shelley, I was on the fence about STS initially but then I caved and just ordered it.
Well I am off to actually make beef pepper stirfry tonight.
Holy crap is my life busy!! I guess I need to just stay up as late tonight as I need to to get all of this done, so I can go to bed at a decent hour tomorrow. I don't want to have dark circles under my eyes at my wedding reception. I just hate this crap!!