.....::::: clean/tidy monday :::::.....


Another week.... Already?

Sorry I was MIA this weekend - I was crazy busy and - to be honest - avoiding the boards because of all of the RT hoopla. I am sad that I didn't go:(

Weather on Friday was fine - one downpour that came when we were in the water park and already wet so that worked out. Collin did ride some of the "big kid" roller coasters and he was a total trooper - walked the park the entire day without fits or anything!

WO yesterday was a run, today is another run, then I will be lifting for the next two days. My brother is coming to visit and workouts are going to be tricky!
Katie, I'm bumming I wasn't there too....NExt year, baby! We'll be there! And Maybe the Cathe Tour thing will go by you somewhere. I'm def going to the Chicago one! But half the fun, well more than half actually, would be to get to see you and the other girls. Come to Chicago to see us MidWest gals!:D
Glad your weekend was fun! We swim in the rain too!:D
Have fun with your brother visiting! Will Collin stay with him during the day or go to daycare?

So much to do around here. School is startingin a month and I feel so much that I need to soak up every minute with the girls. Gina has already started crying that she wants to stay home.:(:(:(:(:(:(:( Isabel on the other hand, is ready to drive the bus!:eek::confused::D

Eats will be clean and cardio tonight. BBL.
Oh dear, does Isabel go to kindergarten this year? Poor Mama! Kate, I am taking off work tomorrow so we will all stay at home tomorrow then back to normal on Wednesday.

3.5 mile run (did 5 yesterday) and I am a bit achey :confused: And not AT ALL hungry. I am making some oatmeal to take to work and eat when I get hungry.

Yep, Isabel is off to Kindergarten. I'm sctually very excited for her. She is so ready. She's such a social little bug - she will flourish there. Gina, though, .....she's my little homebody. She has SUCH separation anxiety.:(:(:(

Good job on your run! I have yet to run 5 miles.

What are your plans with your bro tmrw?

Well, I must confess-I never worked out yesterday. We left at 10 am and got home at 7and just lost my mojo and you can imagine my eats at the picnic! The scale is not my friend this morning! I have 2 weeks til vacation and I want these 4 pesky pounds off!! Today will be upper body and a run/walk and abs and I will get it all in! I need to run 4 days this week to keep up with my training schedule.

Katie, glad your day turned out mostly fun! I hope our girls will behave when we go to the amusement park! Have a great time with your brother! I miss mine:( Hope he can visit soon.

Kate, I have mixed feelings about school starting. I want to be done babysitting and I want some quiet time but don't want everything else that goes along with it. Luckily my kids don't mind going back-they don't LOVE it, but they don't cry. I don't know what I'd do if they did. Even Nevena's excited about going! All potty trained too-days AND nights:)

Angie, welcome back! Can't wait to check out your pics! Hope your knee feels better and you can get your workout in!

Hi to all the C&T Ladies-hope everyone can check in today. It is a highlight of my day, you know;)
Hey girls! I am hopelessly behind on posts- got home super late last night because of weather delays. I had fun at the RT but am happy to be hooooome! I missed my people and you too of course. :)

I will post a few pics later when I get it figured out (new camera). I'll BBL with personals. No workout today- I figure I deserve a day. ;)
Patti I can't wait for the pics. Welcome back.

Katie that's good about Collin. Most kids love that place.

Kate too funny about your girls and back to school. I circled Aug 25 on the calendar and someone blacked out that date with a sharpie...or well they still going back. Poor Gina. I wonder what can be done to help her...too bad she can't start school with only 2 hours per day.

Klaudia YAY for Nevena. I know that you are more happy than she is about the potty training.

Angie I must have miss that post, what wrong with your knee? Are you going to start Insanity?

I had a super clean long weekend and I drop those 3# of water weight. Now my weight is back to normal. I was thinking when I eat very clean and then slip up (cake or ice cream) my body over reacts and I gain weight quickly. Maybe I'm allergic to white sugar;)

I'm working on my rotation for Aug. I was thinking:

Week 1- kbells
Week 2- CLX Burn and 3 cardio W
eek 3-CLX Push and 3 cardi
Week 4-CLX Lean and 3 cardio

Sept start undulation STS ...maybe the STS cardio will be out by then:)
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kl, sounds like you had a fun weekend!:D
get in that wo today!:D is danica getting excited for the race?

patti, glad you made it back! i will DRIVE next time i go!
cant wait for pics!

robin, lol @ your calendar!
great lokking rotation!
i bet sts cardio wont be til at least october. think of all the editing, etc....

anne, how was chicago???????????

all dds are showered & dressed.....off to meijer soon!
I WILL catch up but had to share my favorite picture. :)

Thanks for the picture love. Aren't I huge next to her?

Klaudia: Yes, Old Navy! LOL. I have it in 3 colors. :eek:

Kate: Have fun at Meijer- I need to go to the grocery but I have NO energy today. Wonder why?

Robin: My body does the same thing when I eat sweets- it's terrible. I should avoid them altogether but WHY??!! :eek:

More...see how Jai is standing on her toes and I'm scrunching up my knees to bend down a bit? They laughed at how tall I was. Ha!

Patti, great pictures. I did not know you were so tall.
Robin, white sugar makes me crave more. I can eat a piece of cake and feel full but I want another.
Klaudia, I hope you get your workout in. It is hard to do when you are gone all day.
Kate, I am thinking about going to Chicago for the eggland tour but I need more info. It would be fun to do a mini RT.
Katie, glad Collin had fun at KD. Sounds like you had much better weather than we did Friday.
Angie, I will PM you about the nutrition (hopefully tonight).

I am still recovering from my stomach thing - I think Saturday's exercise caused me to go backwards. I am actually hungry today and I feel like I am eating everything in site. I am keeping it clean but I figure my body may need some extra calories to recover. I just want to be better so I can start my insanity rotation.
Patti, I was hugely pregnant (I think around 32 weeks???) when was on RT and felt like a BEAST next to all of them!
Your arm looks great, btw! Nice definition!

Eats are clean, but I soooo coulda gone beserk on some granola bars we bought! Kept it together tho!:D
Hey Colleen! You snuck in! That would be GREAT to see you in Chi!
Glad you're feeling better - but I hate that starving feeling after sickness. Give yourself a couple days and you'll be INSANE in no time!:p
Patti, that tells you I spend way too much time window shopping online! You're not huge-just tall! I think you look awesome!

Colleen, your body is just trying to recover-give it what it needs so you can start the torture;)

Kate, I saw what you looked like preggo my dear and you were the furthest thing from a beast! I just had a few slivers of fudge our neighbors brought back from Mackinac!;)

Anyone read Oxygen? I got the Abs issue yesterday and I'm going to try their 2 week Shred Diet to lean out for my vacation-it's basically eggs/whites and oatmeal for breakfast, easy lunches and dinners and pre/post protein shakes. I normally don't drink the shakes very often but I think I can manage 2 weeks of them. Let's hope it works!
Klauida, I wanted to buy fudge when we were in TC SO BAD but I knew I'd be the one polishing it off so I didn't buy any.
Good luck w/ the diet! You can do it!!! I've never gotten into the shakes but Mike has them daily. Wish he wouldn't so often....

CS done....aaaaahhhh!
Katie - Glad you guys had fun at the park and wtg Collin on big rollercoasters!
Kate - My dd had major separation anxiety, but one day just totally grew out of it. It was sometime last year in first grade. Now I miss it! Can I fly out to Chicago also???
Klaudia - What kind of things would you eat for lunch and dinner on that diet? No worries on not wo. Weekends are to enjoy right?
Robin - Yay on losing those 3#s!
Colleen - Let us know how insanity is. Eat those extra calories to refuel your body!
Patti - You're so pretty, you look like Gwenyth Paltrow - ever been told that? My gosh, how tall are you? My DH and his family are really tall and I'm a shortie. His girl cousins all average 5'11". Glad you had fun!

Yesterday we celebrated ds' bday since it is officially today, but they have school then football/cheerleading practice until 7pm so celebrated early. Ate pretty bad for dinner and had cake and ice cream! Yikes! Doing weights and strength training this week with cardio here and there. I've been doing tons of cardio lately that I need to get the weights going. Gotta go balance the checkbook then get ready to go to work by 11am.

Hey Lisa! The lunches and dinners don't look bad-deli turkey and roast beef sandwiches or roll ups, lf cheese, ww pasta chicken salad, english muffin pizza, lf cottage cheese, tuna for lunch and for dinner there's chicken, fish, pasta, steak taco salad, veggies, salad, etc. It's called Frugal Eats While You Shred so everything is pretty cheap-hence the eggs and oatmeal that I'm sure I'll be sick of in 2 weeks! There's fruit in there too:)

Ok, I am no longer torn on school starting-I CAN'T WAIT!!
Klaudia - Hmmm...I might pick up that issue now. I really need a kickstart on my eats to lean me out a little more. I'm at my prepg weight, but I feel soft. I am glad kids are back in school! Peace and quiet, ahhhh...

Checkbook done. I can't believe how much I spent on the kids for school and ds' football amd dd's cheerleading! I think together we spent over $700 on them in one month. DH kept buying football gear for ds...grrr. We're taking back one of the things he bought for football and purchasing that later. My gosh, I don't even spend that much on myself! DH is getting too excited about ds playing tackle football! Nursing Pomai then off to eat Kashi for bfast.


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