clean eating

I try to eat as clean as I can, but wanting everything quick and easy, sometimes makes it hard. Anyways, after I workout, I usually have either a myoplex shake or a MetRx shake or even sometimes a bar from the same maker. What do you think of the ready to drink shakes? Are they as good or are shakes altogether not?? I was also wondering about soups. Canned or boxed? Any good or stay away from those and make my own from stratch?? I'm also a carb freak, can't seem to say away from pasta or an occational potatoe, thou I try to eat sweet potatoes, verus white and the pasta I buy, I make sure that its made with duram wheat. I wish there was a cookbook or a website that would give me a meal plan on clean eating. Is there?? Anyways, I'm doing this on my own, my husband doesn't even want to eat like I do. So those are my ???'s. I hope someone can steer me in the right direction. I only need to lose about 10 lbs or so, but will all the exercising I do, the bodyfat is not coming off as quickly as I'd like. I am 51 and I know how age plays a part, but I'm not just sitting around doing nothing. Can someone help me??? :)
I'm pretty sure that clean food is anything that is not processed, so shakes and canned/boxed soups are out - not to mention they contain obsurd amounts of sodium. I think most clean eaters make close to everything from scratch - very time consuming, IMHO.

As far as carbs are concerned, complex carbs are good for you and are essential for brain function, energy, etc., so I wouldn't worry too much about them - calories are where your focus should be for weight loss.

I'm sure you'll get much more info than I can give - I'd love to be a "Clean eater" but I just don't have the patience for it.
Hi Lynnie,

if you really want to loose those last ten pounds or reduce your body weight, I would suggest to try "Lean Bodies" by Cliff Sheats.
In his book is a 7 week meal plan to loose body fat and is steered towards the exerciser. One thing he mentioned, if you stuck on a plateau is, that you might not eat enough and your body goes in a halt. I just got my book from the library yesterday and it looks like a great plan.

Just my 2 cents

Have a great day
Hey Kristine, thanks for the info. I'll check it out. I have so many cookbooks and the one I've been using as a guide is Bill Phillips book. Anyways, I'm glad you gave you 2 cents in.
You too have a great day.

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