Clean eating


Hi everybody,

Where can I find more informations about clean eating? Can anyone tell me a few words about it?

Hi Timea, There's a book by Tosca Reno, title clean eating and a cook book and a magazine. Google clean eating and you'll see it. Basically its eating food that is clean, natural, not processed. In addition eating 5-6 times a day, smaller portions, (carb + protein + fiberous vege or fruit). Pretty easy to do once you get used to it.

I use to work out and not eat very clean - I was healthy and felt pretty good. I started eating clean and I lost pounds, leaned up ALOT and energy soared.

Light bulb moments for me - exercise AND eat clean, the 'magic' formula for life long health, leanness and energy.

Hope this helps some.
Thanks Suzie, for your quick response. I am trying to ate clean for 5 years now. I did it by myself. I also cut down wheat, salt, sugar, prepared foods, starch, etc. I also tried to find some workout DVDs. I bought a lot of them, but something was missing. Then I found Cathe DVDs and I knew, this is it. I was sooooooooooooo happy and ready to work. All these years Cathe motivated me and kept me on my feet. In the mean time I had a baby. I ate the same food during my pregnancy (no salt, lot of veggies, fruits, clean natural foods,...) and of course exercise with Cathe.
Everybody (beside my husband) told me that this is crazy, this clean eating is going to kill me, but I thought it is healthy, I had so much energy and I was happy.
Last week I clicked on Ask Cathe button and I found you guys. I also saw this clean eating and that is why I asked somebody to tell me a few words about it.
I also found so many things and information on the Cathe website.
Thanks Suzie one more time (I already ordered the magazine) and thanks to all of you.

Timea :) ;)
I do my own version of clean eating--minimal processed foods, cooking from scratch, trying to make sure I eat five+ fruits/vegetables a day, etc. Combining this with Cathe has resulted in the *fittest* I have ever been! People have asked me what I've been doing to look so good and that's a HUGE compliment since I'm 38 and just had a baby 19 months ago!!

If you want some tips on how to stock your pantry, or some yummy from scratch recipes, shoot me an e-mail. I love cooking and talking food, so I don't mind helping folks get started at all. :)
Hi, Timea!
Since this is a question for 'anyone,' and not specifically for Cathe, I suggest you repost it in the Open Discussion forum. If you do a search in that forum under "clean eating," you'll find several threads about it as well.

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