clean eating


Active Member
There is a lot of talk about clean eating. i think i have a sense of what it is, but could someone explain it to me in detail?
All you in the educated crowd who eat clean, do you ever cheat? Especially with ice cream and chocolate???
Not Cathe but,clean eating is basically meats and eggs, fresh veggies, fresh fruits,almost anything that you will find on the perimiter of the grocery store. Yes, I do cheat. I eat mostly clean, but have no problem with grabbing a few pieces of chocolate or gummy candy. Sometimes when we go out if I have eaten well all week I will just go all out. I have found going off diet once in awhile does not make a lot of difference in your physique. If you go overboard on sodium you will have a noticeable difference for a couple of days.
Diane Sue
I also forgot to mention whole grains. You may not find these on the perimiter. I personally do not eat a lot of them do to the starches but at least once a week I add in some whole wheat pasta or something.
Diane Sue
I asked this exact question a while back and the answer given to me was this:

An apple is better than applesauce, and applesauce is better than apple pie.

Kind of simplistic, but it worked for me. I have actually adopted an eating plan out of the Body for Life books. It stresses more of smart carbs rather than low carbs, and eating smaller meals more often. A snack is some string cheese and an apple, or something like that.

I have to say that I am never hungry, but the thing I have come to love is that I am never "stuffed". I have discovered that I actually don't like that overfull kind of bloated feeling. Being satisfied and not hungry is really a nice place to be.

I also know that I have a "free day", so if I truly am craving something not that great for me, I only have to wait a few days and I can eat what I want.

I hope this helps, and I look forward to better answers than mine:)
It's also called "whole foods". Foods should be eaten in a form as close to their natural state as possible. Read nutrition labels. The fewer the ingredients the better. I like to be able to pronounce all the ingredients in the food I eat. And yes, cheating is half the fun! LOL! I cheat when I eat out. Last time my husband and I split a decadent piece of chocolate cake and I let him have most of it but it was yummy! :)
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

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