~`~`~`clean-eating weekend`~`~`~


Good morning girls. And I really do mean morning! It's nearly 3am and I cannot sleep! I've been up for 2 hours!!!!:eek: I woke up and had to pee:mad:. I didn't want to get up but I was afraid that if I didn't I'd get a UTI or soemthing from being stubborn!

Mike is off to his gun competition this morning so it's me and the girls all day. We'll roll out the sugar cookies in the AM and after they nap we'll frost 'em! Need to get a few groceries somewhere in the day. My mom and sisters are coming over at some point - I think because they want our cookies!:p

WO will probably be a LS 4-mile jog.

b - cereal, fruit
s - sugar cookie dough
l - more SC dough and frosting
s- frosted cookies
d - nothing - cookie hangover
PM - more cookies

JUST KIDDING!!!! Maybe!:eek:

b - Kashi, apple slices
l - grilled chicken salad
d - baked potatoes & ????
And yes, I'm sure there will be a sugar cookie or 2 in there!

I hope everyone has a good day/weekend!
PS - Send me vibes that this is my last Julia-free weekend!:cool:
Hey Kate, get your butt back to bed, at least lay there if you can't sleep! LOL at your menu for the day!!

I woke up late -- oops! I remember my alarm going off and I turned it off, then fell back asleep -- for about another hour and a half! :confused:

Workout will be an interval run/walk, then 4DS Legs. The showerMAX, off to the pumpkin patch, out to lunch, then napMAX.

Check back later!!
Hey girls!

Kate - You crack me up! Sounds like a good day - anything involving sugar has to be good right? Good luck with all of that temptation! Oh, and try to fit in a nap sometime! Sending "going-into-labor-vibes" your way!

Katie - Your trip to the pumpkin patch sounds great! I need to find something like that around here to do with Ava. She would love it! Oh, yesterday I meant to say that I think I said "Wow" out loud when I read that you kept up with Cathe in PUB - especially on the biceps! You go!

Rest of the crew - There have been a few new names - well new to me anyway- so hi! Hopefully I'll get back to my regular schedule soon!


Katie - Your trip to the pumpkin patch sounds great! I need to find something like that around here to do with Ava. She would love it! Oh, yesterday I meant to say that I think I said "Wow" out loud when I read that you kept up with Cathe in PUB - especially on the biceps! You go!

You just made my day!! Thanks!!


Well, I didn't workout. I went upstairs to get some pants to wear out for my run (42 degrees outside!) and I woke up Chris. We were talking, then Collin woke up, said he had peed in the bed, etc. etc. So I just decided to scrap the workout and make today my rest day instead of tomorrow.

So I made blueberry pancakes for the boys (cereal for me!) and now we are getting ready for pumpkins! I think Collin is going with his dad tomorrow, so I don't feel bad about postponing my workout til then.
Hi Everyone!

DH is not working this Saturday so I reminded him that he had to get his emissions done and he volunteered for all the errands! Yeah! We have a 1 year old birthday party today followed by a wedding. The last time I went to the place where the reception is being held, the food was awful so I am hoping they have made some improvements. Otherwise we might be going to McD's on the way home and it won't be clean.

Katie, sorry you didn't get your run in today. I have to take a break from running because my knees have been bothering me.
Kate, you need sleep!!! Hopefully Julia will be here soon but then you really won't be able to sleep.
Nat, good luck finding a pumpkin patch for Ava

w/o some sort of kickboxing, segment of coremax
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
s: banana
l: spinach salad, leftover pizza
I will be out for the rest of the day so who knows. Will try to keep it clean if possible
Katie, Have a blast at the p.patch today! Isabel has a field trip to one in 2 weeks. Wish I could go - maybe I'll get to if this chick hasn't hatched. ^5 on resisting pancakes!

Natalie, Is the WO area set up? Unpacking has to be an awful/fun thing to do. Takes forever but nice to get everything in its place.

I was awake UNTIL 5AM!!!!!!! At 7:30 Mike and the girls proceded to turn on every light in the room and surrounding areas (hall, bathroom) so no more sleep for me. Mike was getting ready for his outing and he sprayed cologne and it BURNED my nose. I was not a happy mama so I just silently laid there with a pillow over my head pretending to sleep. Oh, and the kitten got in the house so the dog was chasing her! Not my morning to sleep in I guess! LOL! At least I can see the humor in it, right?!:D:rolleyes:

Sugar cookie dough is made. I had a couple tiny bites. NO MORE! It's chilling in the fridge now. We'll go to the store and come back to roll them out. Thank goodness I don't like the dough when it's chilled!

off to do some pick-up/groceries!
Have a great AM!
Happy Saturday Everyone!

Kate, have fun with your family today. And have a few sugar cookies for me;)

Katie, enjoy the pumpkin patch! I can't wait to go with the girls-it's one of my very favorite things to do every fall.

Hi Natalie, hope you have a great day.

Colleen, have fun at the party and the wedding. Dh and I have done the McD's/Taco Bell run after numerous weddings-banquet food can be blech! I'm weddinged out-we went to 5 this summer!

Hi to all who follow:)

I'll be doing P90X Legs/Back with DH in a little while, then errands, watching the MSU game, and maybe decorating the outside for fall-I need to put something in my window boxes before it's too late:0

b-cereal, fruit
l-leftover frittata
Hello again!

Kate - WO area will be set up by the end of the day today if it kills me! I've been trying to get everything put away - it's never ending! What a crappy start to your day! Hopefully it will get better! It's been cold around these parts lately hasn't it? You're in Wisconsin right? Or is it Michigan? Sorry. I'm actually looking forward to the first frost - we have TERRIBLE grasshoppers at this house and I would like to see them, well, dead!! They are everywhere outside and totally gross me out!

Hey Klaudia! I would love it if my husband worked out with me! Oh well! Oh, window boxes! Love it!

Later -
Colleen, A man that does errands!!!??? KEEP HIM!!!!!!:D Hope your day goes well and the party/wedding food is good! I smell cake........:p

Klaudia, Autumn in MI is the best, isn't it?? I just bought $11 worth of Honeycrisp apples!:eek: You guys have a great day planned! How do you fit in your WOs together? Mike always does his at night. And I *hate* to workout at the same time - we get in eachothers way BIG TIME or need the same weight. I'm much happier when I can do my liftin gin the daytime!:) Mike had tickets for the game today but he gave them up to go to the shooting thing. He doesn't really care for sports anyway - it was more of a PR thing for business, which he detests. He'd rather be hoem with us - gotta love it!

Natalie, No apologies needed - Klaudia and I are both MI girls. The g'hoppers sounds NASTY! I hate em too! God luck with the WO area today!

I'm doing surprisingly well for no sleep!:D Yeah, I say that now.... DDs are being wonderful! We'llbe home for the rest of the day - Gina is so excited to not have school today!:D

Hey Robin, Steph, Emily!
Morning everyone,

Had a garage sale this morning - went pretty well. Sold all our major stuff and I'm waiting for someone to come pick up my table. Ryan went to go look at a bowflex about 45 min away and took the kids so now is my chance to work out.

I'm going to try MIC from my new WOs. I am kind of tired so don't really feel up to Imax 3 right now - want to try it when I have lots of energy. :)

BBL for personals.

Angie, Enjoy your quiet time!!! Have fun sweating! Is the Bowflex to take to France? I've always meant to have a grage sale but it always seems easier to take the stuff to Goodwill than to store it to sell it. And I would hate a bunch of nut-jobs up by my house!:p
Whoa. OK, I don't know what made me think MIC was going to be easy. I got through about 15 minutes and then the people came to pick up the table and then they stayed around for a while checking out Ryan's car for sale. So, I probably spent 20 min with them. Then I started right into the hi of the hi/lo and I about died. My HR monitor said 180! So, I didn't do the step portion - basically ran out of time but holy workout - I'm dripping for sure.

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. Eats have been clean so far. Not sure what we're having for lunch.

Kate, Ryan is getting the bowflex for France. Gyms are relatively non-existent there.

Gotta make some more phone calls. BBL.
Angie, I haven't done MIC in so long I don't remember any of it. I'll have to pull that one out when i get my cardio capacity back up. Sounds great! Good job on the clean-eating!

No nap for me!:( My body just will NOT let me nap. off to frost cookies I suppose!:p:p
Hi ladies. Sorry I'm late. This morning I had the 2nd half of the new members class at church. They have a gym inside the church :D:D with equipment too. I'll check it out on Tuesday.

b- church food, egg, grits, sausage etc (it's was free :))
d-grill chicken and veggie

Klaudia how do you decorate for the fall. I'm surrounded by trees.

Colleen that's funny, I had to go to the Chinese Res. after my sister's wedding. She fed us like we were kids.
Katie, sorry you could not w/o but tomorrow is another day.
Kate can I have some of those sugar cookies and how are you feeling?
Natalie soon you will be done with the unpacking.
Angie I love garage sales, did you do well?
MIC and all of Cathe's w/o are a challenge but the steps are easy to pick up in her earlier stuff. No gyms in France then how do the women stay so thin:confused:

Only a brief w/o this afternoon. I walked my dog around the park for about 1/2 hour. Tomorrow I'll do a real cardio w/o. Maybe power walking with the vest or hand weight...maybe both???
Last edited:
Whew! Workout is done:)

Kate and Natalie, I ended up doing the workout alone. Darrin and I don't usually workout together, but I thought we could try since we're both doing P90X. He ended up working out while I went to run errands. Good thing, I guess, because he skips exercises he thinks are too hard-like wall squats:) And I feel guilty if I skip anything-especially P90X legs(way easier than a Cathe leg workout) I think he doesn't want his wife showing him up, either;)

Angie, I had to laugh when I saw you were gonna do MIC instead of an IMAX! I remember when I first started buying Cathe workouts that MIC was considered a "death wish". Getting through even part of it is an awesome workout. Good job!

Robin, I wish we had more trees. We live in a newer subdivision with no trees except for the ones we've planted. Thank goodness my DH is a landscaper so we've been able to plant some bigger stuff. I have 2 4-foot window boxes on the front of my house so we'll fill them with mums, kale, gourds,etc. Then we put cornstalks on either side of the garage with Indian corn tied to it. On the porch we have more mums and pumpkins. I wish I could do a lot more-like the patio, but it get's expensive! I love fall, can you tell?:)
Robin, Sounds like you had a nice AM. A walk in the park sounds great!

Klaudia, I think Mike gets scared I'll show him up too! Your decorating sounds great! We usually do a fat scarecrow sitting in one of our adirondack chairs on the front porch - freaks me out all the time!

I did good not overindulging in the cookies! I did have some but not too much. It was great to get to visit with my sister for a while too! Next time she comes home will be when Julia arrives!

I really want to do my cardio still but my feet and my belly are screaming NO WAY! Maybe if I rest up a little bit I'll feel up to it after the girls go to bed.

Mike did great at the shooting competition - his team of 4 won! Now he's "on duty" so I can rest for a while.

Katie, How was the p.patch? Hope you guys had fun. Do I smell cider and donuts on your breath?!?!? And how was the fire thing y'day?!
Crazy day at our house. Sold all our major stuff in our garage sale and then after listing Ryan's 96 jeep cherokee on craig's list, it sold in 4 hours. So, now we are down a car which means that for the next month I have to drive Ryan to work. No big deal, just going to be different. We don't have much to do anyway and we'll be living in a hotel so any excuse to get out will be good!

Klaudia, I should have known that no Cathe workout would be easy. Somehow I figured hi/lo would be a breeze. It was more like plyo!

Not sure what we're going to do tonight. Ryan's on the phone with his dad telling him we sold the car. They gave it to Ryan when he was in college so it's been an awesome car for us! Kinda sad to see it go.

I have an appt on monday to bring our cats into the local shelter. I could barely get through the conversation with the lady on the phone today - I felt like such an idiot. I'm not sure how I'm going to handle dropping them off. Guess it's part of being an adult.

Well, gotta pay some bills and paint some little girl toenails. :D
Angie, Is your house feeling empty? I'm so sorry about your kitties! How are the girls taking it? And how's that tooth doing?

Just did 4 miles jogging/walking. A LS mishmosh if you will!;) I was feeling really heavy and not like exercising but I promised myself I'd stop if I wanted to after the first mile. I kept going....:D

Sunday AM we have church and then we'll go out to eat. Mike and I also want to go drool over the property we want. Given what the stock market is doing I really don't want to blow a chunk of change right now..... sigh. What's meant to be will happen.

Steph, Give us a shout-out that you're okay! Hope work went by fast today.
Hey ladies, I'm up early to get my workout in!!

The pumpkin patch was really fun yesterday, I will post some pictures tomorrow. Afterwards, we went out to lunch, came home for a nap, then we were pretty much lazy for the rest of the day.

Today will be my workout, some shopping, and I really really need to wash my car! Not sure what else....

Have a great day everyone!!
Hey girls!

Okay - so I didn't get to setting up my workout space yesterday. Poop! So, today I think I'm going to take advantage of the nice weather and the walking trails that are in our new neighborhood and go for a run. We'll shoot for a nice 45 minute jog! Then later today hopefully DH and I can get my WO area set up! We ended up shopping yesterday for curtains and just stuff for the house. I actually don't really enjoy shopping so not really fun for me but had to get it done!

Angie - I'm still trying to wrap my head around you moving to France. I just can't even imagine it! Very exciting! Have you guys been there before? Do you speak French? It's such a beautiful language! I took some in high school but couldn't speak a word of it now! :eek:

Katie - Glad the pumpkin patch was fun! Good for you getting up early on a Sunday!

Kate - I can remember when I was in my final weeks of pregnancy and walking in the park and so many people just looking at me like "what are you doing?" People are funny!

Klaudia - I'm glad someone else thinks that P90X legs are easier than Cathe's. I though maybe I was doing something wrong! If I worked out with my DH I would have the same problem - he would totally skip exercises and then I would just get frustrated! I'm way jealous of your DH being a landscaper! I love to take care of flowers but I never know what is going to grow where, what it will look like, etc. Fall decorations sound great!

Hello to everyone else!



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