clean-eating THUR - Robin, where art thou?


Robin, we miss you!!!! Come back to us! We know you're stuck with computer-drama, but come back!!!! We need your humor!

It's 2AM, I've beem awake for an HOUR!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad: I slept so great last night - was hoping for the same tonight. I'll finish typing this and then do some hypno-birthing practice.

Isabel and I have some errands this AM and out to lunch for us. I think we're going to end up out to dinner too - Gina's school open house is tonight so we'll go to that and meet her teacher. I'm excited to go - I hope I like her teacher.

b - shredded wheat, grapes
s - 1/2 Clif Bar (I had the other 1/2 post-WO last night)
l - grilled chicken salad
s - maybe a zuchini muffin???
d - grilled chicken salad
WO - GS Legs
s - 1/2 clif bar

This baby is movin' and groovin'! She says "Let me out of here!!!!" I need to post a pic. I look so low, like she's about to fall right out. Everywhere I go I get comments.....and I've got 6 more weeks to go. This baby BETTER come early!:D (Do you hear that, Miss Julia???!!!;))

Angie, How is the French coming? I miss knowing it well. How much longer til moving day? Are you teaching your girls any of it?
Oh Kate, I sure hope you are sleeping by now! I remember those days and (sleepless) nights! You are gonna turn into a grilled chicken salad!


TODAY IS MY FRIDAY, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY!! I have a TON of crap to do at work today, but once 4:30 rolls around, it's time for another three day weekend for me!! Tonight will be busy too -- laundry, packing, putting the bathroom back together (FINALLY!), and preparing food.

For the race tomorrow, I am making these burgers that are stuffed with jalapeno slices and jack cheese -- oh my, so good! Tomorrow we will get on the road early -- it looks like tomorrow will be our only good tailgating day. There are 8 of us going (we always go together), and we have a pretty sophisticated tailgate set-up (tent, port-a-potty, grill, stove, coffee maker (YAY), ladder bal, bean bag toss, etc.). Collin will be with us on Friday, but is leaving with my mom in the afternoon before the race.

It's looking like Saturday's race may be rained out, in which case it will be on Sunday afternoon in the blazing hot sun. Note to self -- pack the sunscreen!

Need to get moving on my wo, bbl..............
Oh, Angie!! I wanted to mention that Rosetta Stone's headquarters is located about 2 miles from my house!!
Wo is done (GS BSB...did I say that already?), need to do some core tonight -- in addition to the other 10 million things I have to do!!

Breakfast is the usual, snacks are the usual, lunch will be grilled chicken salad (dedicated to Kate -- all except for the dressing, which is dedicated to my hips!) and dinner will be maybe pasta w/grilled chicken and veggies.

Happy Friday Eve to all!!
Katie, Sounds like a fun weekend! I hope the weather holds off for you! Great job witht he WO - I did the timewaver of it last night and I'm getting soem DOMS already!
Morning Kate and Katie, and all that follow

Kate, i'm so sorry you couldnt sleep, that just stinks :( I LOVE zucchini muffins, or bread or anything! I think i'm drooling. And i'm glad no tears today from Gina.

Katie, you are going to have such a great time, you deserve this. Those burgers sound rockin' too.

Yeah, Robin! Where are ya :) Miss you.

Hi Shirl (sorry about the knee), Jenn, Colleen, Angie, Emily, Tracey! Eveyrone.

Sorry i didnt get back on yesterday, one of my closest friends had a misscarriage, she was pretty upset, so i spent most of the evening talking with her.

Last night i kicked cardio butt, Colleen, my endurance is coming back, slowly but surely.

Today, upper body something. Any ideas? Gotta leave the legs alone! I really like this Jackie Warner DVD, i add it to other things, so maybe i should do ME upper and that?

B" guess
s: quark/pp/almonds
l: veg soup/celery, hummus, apple
s: cc/flax/goji's/PB
d: steamed veggies/lentils, tomatoes, yogurt
Good Morning Everyone!

I am not feeling well. I think I have a touch of the stomach flu that is going around work. Last night dinner didn't stay down but I was able to eat breakfast this morning. My stomach feels bloated and achy.

Kate, sorry you couldn't sleep last night, but no tears from Gina! Hope you can get a nap today.
Katie, I am glad your entire weekend won't be washed out. Have fun!
Steph, sorry about your friend. That is terrible news.

no workout - maybe tonight
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
rest of day is tbd depending on how I feel
Hi everyone,
The officail word is 5th grade is awesome.:p I hope it stays that way once the work starts. Yesterday was getting familair with the school and new classmates.

Workout today will be 4ds lis circuit. Cathe's rotation is up. Now I'm not sure if want to do that one or fitness freaks. They both look so good. :)

Colleen hope you feel better. I enjoyed Rumble, I find it more upper body focused lots of punches. If I had weighted gloves I would probabley get more of calorie burn.

Shirl congratulations on your new job oppurtunity. Sounds very exciting. Hope your knee feels better.

Kate hope you can get a nap in today. Enjoy your lunch out with Isabella. I'm sure the bus ride will get easier for Gina, she just has to get used to the changes that are going on around her.

Katie your burgers sounds awesome. I so want some. :p cheese+burger=love:D:p Hope your workday flies by.

Hi Robin hope all is well in NC. We miss you.

Steph glad your cardio endurance is coming back. All the walking must really help.:)

Hi Emily and Tracey.

Morning ladies,

Kate, I'm so sorry you couldn't sleep. I totally remember that toward the ends of my pregnancies... so frustrating. It's like God is preparing you for the sleepless nights with little Julia! I'm glad there were no tears this morning for Gina and have fun with Isabel at your eat out! Hope you like Gina's teacher! French is coming along. It's a crazy language. I took about 6 years of spanish so this is so different. We are looking at a final "transition" date (meaning our whole family will be there) by Dec. 1. We want to be there for Christmas so we can take the girls to Disneyland Paris. :)

Katie, I'm glad you're at least going to get to go on your trip. Tailgating sounds fun. I'm so ready for football season. :) That's funny that you live close to Rosetta. :) It's a pretty good program. How do you make pasta/grilled chicken/veggies? What ingredients do you use?

Steph, you sound more chipper today! I really like the upper body poriton of BM2.

Colleen, sorry you're not feeling well. Stomach flu is the worst. That's why I hated being pregnant - it was like 9 months of the stomach flu!

Jenn, I'm glad 5th grade is awesome! :) SO cute. Hope she continues to like it. I'm going to check out Cathe's rotation...

This morning I made the girls waffles and then they watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while I did double cardio from 4DS. It was good. I only had one interruption when Ellie leaked through her diaper (oops... forgot to change her when she got up). Anyway, something tells me I'm into something good with this TV during WO thing!!!!

B: before WO 1/2 clif bar/after will be kashi/yogurt/strawberries
L: leftover chicken kabobs
D: Italian beef sandwiches

We're having small group over to our house and I'm making 2 dips. I'll have to be careful.

Have a great day all. Hi to Shirl, Emily, Robin, Tracey... where is everyone?

I think we lost Emily....maybe Tracy too.....

Steph, When I finally get around to making those blasted muffins I'll mail ya some!:p Glad the cardio is going well. Sorry about your friend - how far along was she? You're a great friend!

Colleen, Sorry about the stomach bug - yuck!

Jenn, Glad 5th grade is so AWESOME! I remember the word trends - LOL! Like, for sure!

Angie, Yum to the waffles, yay to the WO! Disneyland sounds great! We've wanted to take the girls to D'World for so long, but little Julia delayed our plans this summer and prob. not going next summer either. Maybe after that... I would think frnech would be easy to pick up after learnign Spanish. I took both is HS (French 1st) and found them to be pretty similar)

Having a nice day with Isabel, but I couldn't sleep at naptime. Looking forward to going to bed otnight.. GS Legs may get postponed!

PS - I took Isabel to a cider mill today. Somehow half of a cinnamon donut FELL IN MY MOUTH! Don't you hate when that happens!?!
Hi Everyone!

Still not feeling 100% but getting there. I don't think I worked 8 hours today but I was too tired to focus. I am not going to do my workout tonight. I hope some rest will clear this bug completely out of my system.

Angie, I can't imagine 9 months of morning sickness. Good luck with your French lessons.
Kate, I bet the donut was tasty. Sorry you couldn't sleep - hopefully you will get some rest tonight.
Jenn, I saw Cathe's rotation too. I haven't decided if I am going to switch since I missed today or just keep going with Fitness Freak's.
Colleen, Sorry you're feeling so crummy! I hope tomorrow is better for you. The donut WAS tasty!

My round ligaments are so sore there's no way I can work legs tongiht. Gina had an emotional night, therefore I did too.:( Poor kid - she is so tired from being gone all day.
I'm going to do CS total body (1 hr) and call it good. Active rest day. Maybe I'll hit legs tomorrow.
Did I say stretch?! Well, I meant GS C&T!:) I needed to lift!! PLUS, this uses no LB work and the CS would've. See, I did my body a favor by lifting! Chiro tomorrow for the ligaments though!

Katie, Are you getting ready for your big weekend?!?!
Whew, Katie is POOPED!! I've been going non-stop since 4:45 am!! :confused::confused:

We are about as packed as we're gonna get tonight. I think I am getting up at 4 tomorrow to get my workout in :eek: Please keep me in your thoughts!!

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