Clean Eating and Headaches....


Hello Educated Crowd,
How come when I decrease my calories to try to loose weight and try to eat clean, I get terrible headache? My calories are usually around 1300-1500 for wieght loss. My normal caloric intake would be way over 2000. If I eat normally, fats, breads, sweets, I don't get the headaches. Anyone have any suggestions? And how long will this last?

Thank you

I think your body is probably detoxing from all the sugar it is used to being fed. I know the pain is hard to bear, but you are doing a good thing for your body by cutting out all that sugar!
Maybe you're not eating enough. If I go too long w/out eating or don't eat enough I get headaches. Normally a bite to eat will clear them up. I think its a low blood sugar thing. Also, in your clean eating, are you cutting out the caffiene? I was a bit of a caffiene addict but have cut waaaaaay back, but those 1st few days felt like elephants trampling thru my head. Just a thought....

The two above ideas are good ones, ie, too low on calories (hypoglycemia) and stopping caffeine, as these can both trigger headaches. But-you might check out the book "Heal your headache 1-2-3". A lot of "clean eating" foods, although healthy, can contain migraine triggers. Some examples include bananas, citrus and nuts.
LOL @ reading too much Tosca!!!! I've actually found that clean eating has diminished my headaches. In fact *knock on wood*, I haven't had a migraine in two months!!! ;-)
Once again, Beavs to the rescue!:p

How you make me chuckle everyday, so glad you are around, just had to tell you that!

Reading too much Tosca could give anyone a headache for sure.;) Personally, I had to pop a few aspirin after chapter one....

You are detoxing from the sugar. I am guessing the headache started around day 3 or so after you started eating clean? If so, it will last 3-4 days or so. Or, rather, this is what I experience each time to go back to clean eating after eating poorly (white things). You may also experience around day 8 or 9 achy feelings in your quads walking up stairs. This also is normal and is part of the detox process.

Keep eating clean. You will feel MUCH better and more energized naturally once the toxins leave your body.

Can someone please tell me why other people dont like tosca? Im just curious to know. Not that Im all for her. Just wanns know if people think what Im thinking.
Personally, I find her "tone" a bit "much". Kinda full of herself, and her hubby Robert Kennedy and their magazine "Oxygen" which I once loved to read has become one advertisement for Tosca. But hey, its their mag so they can do whatever they want! But I don't have to buy it. I not being mean or anything, its not that I hate her, just find her a bit "much".
Oh I did not know she was married to Robert Kennedy I thought he was married to the other woman that also has a column in the beginning of the magazine. Yeah I would have to agree with you on that. I did think she was a "bit" over the top. I have a subscription to that mag. It's okay.
OMG! Tosca's ego is as big as she claims her arse used to be. Frankly, I'd love to hit her over the head with that stupid cooler she claims to lug around everywhere (which is likely filled with Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs). Yet somehow I still kinda find the chick interesting.....
Once again, Beavs articulates what I was too diplomatic (or too chicken) to verbalize myself.:)
This forum is so great I swear I could be on here all day and Im suppose to be working. I have learned so much here. This is truly an educated crowd.
>OMG! Tosca's ego is as big as she claims her arse used to
>be. Frankly, I'd love to hit her over the head with that
>stupid cooler she claims to lug around everywhere (which is
>likely filled with Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs). Yet somehow I
>still kinda find the chick interesting.....

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy crap, I think I just peed my pants! Beavs, you are so funny! I have never read anything by Tosca but just love how you feel about her!

I especially love the part about how she probably lugs around Ho-Hos and Ding Dongs in her cooler. So true! :D

When I go on a diet and stick to lower # of calories, I find that I get headaches as well. I make sure I drink plenty of water and get extra sleep.

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