clean and press


I was doing ME yesterday and I'm confused by the clean and press. What exactly does this exercise do? I couldn't really feel it in any particular area. Thanks for your help.

Hi Amy,

That move, as she does it in ME, will hit multiple groups: shoulders and upper back, mostly. She puts it in with her back work there, I believe? With some rows? Anyhow, I also find that I don't feel it much. A heavier weight load might make a difference, but you want to be careful that it doesn't compromise your form on the rows.

I was introduced to the clean and press when I started participating in and eventually teaching BodyPump classes. Cathe was also a BodyPump instructor when ME was produced and I always thought it was kind of a nod to the program. It's such an athletic move and requires a lot of attention to form. It requires strength and speed; the front deltoids and upper trapezius are worked with the 'clean' (upright row portion), shoulders and triceps get their moment with the 'press portion' along with a lot of core for stabalisation. I like going heavy with this exercise (for me that's 40 lbs.) There's so much momentum behind the movement that if your controlled and confident it's doable and so empowering. The quadriceps, hamstrings and butt gets some work as you execute the demi squat to get momentum behind the clean and to keep the movement slow and controlled as you come out of the press. I love the clean and press, makes me feel invincible. For strength gains the moves must be very controlled, I always cued 'power on the way up, control on the way down'. Makes me want to bang some clean and presses out right now }( :7

Take Care
OMG! Cathe has a clean & press in one of her workouts? That is a good old fashioned move for sure--bodybuilders used it from the 1950s or so to the early 1980s, stopped using them mostly for safety reasons--one wrong move & you're in traction for months.

I'm guessing Cathe's version is modified with high reps/low weights (obviously the bodybuilders were doing some serious weights w/this). It's supposed to work the lower back, glutes & hams with the first motion, then the upper back & shoulders w/the second motion.

Just be careful! :eek:
The clean and press is a combination of a deadlift and shoulder press, and as has already been said was an old-time bodybuilding staple move. The danger to the back comes in the transition from one move to another...the point where you are getting ready to press the weight up. Careful and controlled movement is the key to safety with this one.
Laura, if your interested in the clean and press move, Jari Love's Ripped 1000 contains them also. In R1000, the they are done at a much slower pace and more emphasis is placed on a squatting motion during the "clean" phase of the move.

Just FYI

Laura, the clean and press in ME is not a traditional bodybuilder style clean and press, where you start with the barbell on the floor. The way Cathe does it is basically just an upright row followed by an overhead press. So there's never any bending at the hip - she remains fully upright throughout the movement. :)

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