Classic, Lean, Doubles



I finally decided to start my P90x program which I purchased 2 years ago. Isnt that something? Anyway my question was which rotation did you guys do and got great results? Classic or Lean? Can't do doubles because I wont workout twice in one day.

I pulled P90x out from my closet and decided to start it and realized I purchased it October 2008 and swear it's a sign for me to start this program. I have so many dvd's that sometimes I cant stick to a rotation. I have almost all of cathe's dvds including STS and all shock cardios plus 2 new ones on the way. I have The Firms dvd's, Jillian's dvd's. My husband just got me a membership to our neighborhood gym which has all these great classes too and all these new machines.

Sometimes I become so indecisive about which rotation to stick with that I'm all over the place. Does this ever happen to anybody else? I know its silly I laugh at myself sometimes LOL
I've decided to go with the classic. I was looking at the lean rotation and I saw that in the first few weeks you dont use the chest/back dvd. CLassic looks more rounded. Did you guys follow the nutrition perfectly?
Good choice.
IMO, the "classic" program is how the P90X system was built ,and the "doubles" and "lean" were a last-minute add-on.

I would never do the "Lean" program because, as you mentioned, it is unbalanced.

The "doubles" program would work, but I'd recommend not adding the second workout until after the second week (to see how tired P90X alone makes you). IIRC, that may be how it is set up anyway.

For the nutrition: I didn't follow it at all. I did, however, add a recovery drink after my weight workouts (not their pricey stuff: at the time, I used a chocolate soy milk that had about the same macronutrient proportions as their recovery drink).

Have fun!

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