CK Sales - Hardcore Orders

Lori, yes it is the number you get when you place and order. I feel like I'm the only one who does cathe here to. I don't know anyone in "real life" that shares this insanity!! :) I have been driving DH crazy the past few days. I am off work until Feb 21 so I will have about a week to spend some quality time with my new DVDs.
My sister and I do Cathe.I read about Cathe in a fitness mag a few years back and every since then we have been hooked.I don't think she checks this site as regularly as I do though.I don't even think she posts.She lives up north.
My DH is always making fun of me b/c I am always chatting with my "friends".I also told him that he could do whatever he wanted this weekend b/c I was hoping to have new workouts to tend to!:) And he never says anything about the money I spend on workouts.Probably b/c he knows it wouldn't make a difference,he knows that I will use them and he waste his fair share of money.
I run with a lady all the time and I just introduced her to Cathe.She asked if she could come over with me sometime and workout.She is very long and lean looking and she knew she needed to build a bit of muscle.So she worked out with me and loved it.She went out and bought new dumbbells,barbells,etc...whatever she needed.She currently as PH,ME and PUB.I told her she could have them for a while b/c I was going to be busy with new ones! So I have a couple of people who know Cathe but not many.
So glad there at customs!
I think it's great you have people to share this with! I got an email from Cindy. She said all the shipping labels are on the boxes and they are just waiting to put the dvds in them. I missed the express post option, but I will be using it next time. Glad you mentioned it.
On all of the boxes???? Even # 3551! Which is meeeeee......Have you been charged yet b/c I haven't? They don't charge until it is ready.I wonder does that delay them much?
i think it was a very poor business decision for snm to not send cksales their order til yesterday.. if anything.. they should have been sent our friday BEFORE the individual customers since they knew it was going to take a day or so to get to canada...

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
I am so excited. ¡¡¡The labels are in the boxes waiting for the dvds ¡¡¡. My order number is 3026.I think CK sales discount the price when they ship the dvd.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator junkie. :) :)
Hey Lorihart and Dixiedog, had to jump in and say "Hi". Not only am I also waiting not so patiently for my CKSales order, and checking for updates constantly, I am a fellow Atlantic Canadian. I am in northern Nova Scotia, so am practically Dixiedog's neighbour. With the bridge, Summerside is 45 minutes away and Charlottetown just a bit of a jump further. Hopefully there will be some major sweating on the East Coast real soon! Cindy
Hi Mollysmom. Well it looks like you are only about 45 minutes away, how cool. I visit Amherst when I'm doing a Frenchy's run! Thank goodness for the bridge, no more racing to catch the ferry! When I am working out with Cathe, I always wonder if there are any other Canadians that live close to me. :)
Do you think maybe they wanted to insure that the people who ordered via SNM definitely got theirs first, thus encouraging those who preordered with CK to go with SNM from now on? Just a thought.

I am dying here......;( ;(
Hey Sherry, we are neighbours, how cool! The Amherst Frenchy's is a favourite stop of mine. I work just up the street. You are the closest "Catheite" I've heard of. I teach fitness classes at the Amherst YMCA (including a Hi Step Challenge which is very a la Cathe) and have certainly spread the word to those participants who are looking for a challenge. Maybe next time you are planning a trip in this direction we can meet up! Cindy
That would be fun Cindy! How cool that you teach at the Y. I've inquired about getting certified through the Y here and maybe teaching too. I've been on a waiting list for the course for 2 years. They won't have one until there are a few more interested people. Good for you for spreading the word. When I start talking about Cathe, people's eyes glaze over!
I think it's a poor decision for you to post an opinion about SNMs business decisions.

We only finished receiving the DVDS on Friday. We shake test every DVD we send out and this takes time. CK Sales had a fairly large order with us and it was just not possible to ship them their DVDs on the same day they arrived here. Their order was shipped by next day air on the next business day which was Monday. There was no conspiracy to delay their order…. that is just as quick as we can ship an international order of this size. We have said all along that CK Sales would receive their order a couple of days after we receive our shipment, so there should be no surprises here.
Thanks for clarifying things SNM! We appreciate your information and I personally will attempt to not chew off my hubby's arm in anticipation of my receipt of these DVDs!

>I think it's a poor decision for you to post an opinion about
>SNMs business decisions.

that's part of what a forum is for.. praise AND complaints! if they never get complaints.. how can they improve?

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!
>We only finished receiving the DVDS on Friday. We shake test
>every DVD we send out and this takes time. CK Sales had a
>fairly large order with us and it was just not possible to
>ship them their DVDs on the same day they arrived here. Their
>order was shipped by next day air on the next business day
>which was Monday. There was no conspiracy to delay their
>order…. that is just as quick as we can ship an international
>order of this size. We have said all along that CK Sales would
>receive their order a couple of days after we receive our
>shipment, so there should be no surprises here.

i never said it was a conspiracy... i just felt (and still feel) it was a poor business decision...

i guess sitting here on the outside.. i felt that the "label" should have been printed for cksales just like they were for the consumers... then counted and boxed and on their way.. however... yes.. that's easy for me to say sitting here vice sitting in your office actually doing the work...

and thank you for clarifying as a LOT of places wouldn't have bothered.. you guys do ROCK.... epecially cathe!

cute work out clothes are good for AT LEAST an additional 10-15 calories burned!

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