CK and PH rotation


I'm wondering if anybody has ever done a rotation of these Cardio Kicks and Power Hour only...for how long, and what were your results? Thanks! :)
Hi! We remodeled our living room and I couldn't work out in there. I had to do PH and CK in the basement. Since neither of these has you standing on a step, they worked great with my low ceiling. I did these two tapes only for 2 weeks (PH 3 x's a week, CK 3 x's a week) then for the next 2 weeks I continued to do PH, but did CK once and then other Cathe cardio tapes later in the week. My legs got tighter and my upperbody had greater definition. HOWEVER - this rotation exhausted me. PH may seem short, but it is intense. And CK never fails to kick my butt (especially the sequential power kicks). Just a warning - you might get crabby. I did. Have fun!!!
Thanks for the info, jillybean! :) Since these are my only 2 Cathes (so far) and I'm so totally in love with them, I wanted to give a rotation for just these 2 a try...but you're probably right, it might be a little intense using just those 2 for too long...still thinking on it...anyway, thanks again for your input! :)
I'm on my second week of doing PH three times a week. I was doing it twice a week for the previous 5 wks. You're right -- it is exhausting! Plus, I've done it so many times, it's difficult to keep my enthusiasm up. But I'll try. One more week of PH times 3, and I'm taking a week's break from exercise -- the first since early July.

As far as cardio tapes go, I like to mix 'em up. However, I am planning on doing Cardio Kicks tomorrow morning (be still my beating heart).


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