Circuits - what is the purpose??


I have a hard time understanding why and where to put circuits into a rotation. I love to do them, but does it really increase cardiovascular capacity and can the weight lifting give you the muscle defintion you are looking for??

I am just confused as to the benefits of circuit training?? Anyone??

BTW I love circuit workouts - just want to know why they are beneficial......thanks.........
Just read in my personal training manual that circuit training can improve aerobic capacity(VO2 Max) and muscle endurance. The book gave an example of 20-30 minutes of jumping from machine to machine and obviously we don't do that with Cathe. I would imagine that Cathe circuits are much longer and more intense than traditional circuit training and therefore more effective. I'm not convinced that circuit training would provide a lot of muscle gain or strength because of the fast tempo, but I'm sure it really improves endurance. I wouldn't do them 2 days in a row though.
BTW, I love them also. I feel so accomplished when I complete one. Last night I did HSC and it really kicked my butt!
I don't understand how they work, but I do know that when I started with Cathe, I could do steady state step for 60 min. straight with no problems. When I tried Circuit Max for the first time, however, I thought I was gonna die. I think all the quick changes really tax your muscles and your heart - in a good way. Any time a new workout is tough for me - I get so exicted because I know I can grow with it! Thanks to Cathe, I find Boot Camp quite easy (when done as produced). The Kick Max Boot Camp challenge on the otherhand...
I recall reading a research article recently that stated, in summary, that the benefits of circuit training - which are considerable - depend upon your general training and fitness level. For more beginning exercisers, circuit-style training can promote and improve strength and mass development as well as cardiovascular muscle endurance; for more trained exercisers, the benefits are more maintenance-oriented, again for cardiovascular fitness and muscle conditioning.

I think a lot has to do with that, AND with the type of circuit workout you're doing - whether it's cardio interspersed with total-body resistance training, cardio interspersed with strictly lower-body or upper-body training, or a pure circuit that is strictly resistance training (which is where circuit workouts got their name and start). Personally, for circuit work I exclusively do cardio + lower body resistance workouts because I like to keep the cardio challenge going. But there are so many options, especially Cathe options, that you can't help but find a circuit routine that works for you.

Another part of the benefit, for me anyway, is that I too love them, and I'm far more apt to be consistent with a workout style I love than one that I don't. In fact, I love 'em so much I've kind of done them to death the past couple of years or so, and may have to take a couple three weeks off and do strictly steady-state and unweighted interval work.

Hi everyone,

I have always worked circuit workouts into my rotation. I hurt my back several months ago and the only way that I could incorporate lower body weights was in a curcuit type format. I do cardio lower body weight circuits and have seen great improvement in my endurance when I run, especially since I have added step ups in each circuit along with squats etc. I usually do a curcuit workout once a week and a all strength lower body workout once a week.

Like A-Jock, I love circuit workouts. I'll always incorporate them into my workouts. My husband says my legs look great and it keeps them from bulking up too much.

I also love circuits, but I tend to do them primarily when I've missed a day of weights and don't want to skip my next cardio day to make up the weights. It's an easy way to bang out some cardio and weight work all at once. Another way to put it is that it's an easy way to make up for missing a weight lifting day without feeling like you've lost any ground.


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