circuits 5 days a week


Is it ok to do circuits 5 days a week for a 4 week rotation or is it to much weight training without giving muscles enough time to rest. Thanks in advance for any help.
You might want to ask this question on the open forum, but I believe the concensus you'll get is that it's too much. You need to let your muscles rest at least one day. If you're after weight loss, I had a lot of success with 3 days of Circuits (M, W, F) and hard core cardio on the other three days.

The only way really around that would be to mix and match or workouts. If you are doing, say Circuit Max on Monday, skip the upper body and just do the lower body with a heavy barbell (that's killer). Then on Tuesday do a BootCamp Cardio and Upper Body rotation only (do it twice, it's short... }( ). You can mix and match like that to get 5 days in - just as long as you're not working the same body part two days in a row.
Thank you, I will mix and match and see what I can come up with or I will do cardio inbetween. Karen

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