
I mish moshed these 2 workouts today and enjoyed an endorphin soaked sweatfest and thought I'd post it if anyone was interested. Pardon me if this has been posted before. I started with CM w/u and hi/lo, when the weight segments came on I inserted a LM blast then went back to CM cardio, a LM blast, CM cardio..... I doubled up blast 5 & 6 as there is one more section in LM than CM. It was a fun, intense and varied cardio workout and I really enjoyed it}( My FIL was here when I finished, I was so drenched that he thought I'd gone for a swim:+

Take Care
Awesome idea, Laurie! Did you do only the LM blast, or did you do the step portion too? I actually have CM on VHS, and LM on dvd, so I could do this workout without having to change disks! I'm going to print it off, and I'll let you know when I do it!

I still haven't forgotten about your last email :)
Hey You!:) That's exactly how I did it Sandra with CM VHS and LM DVD, I chose the blast only premix and just paused the DVD while doing the CM cardio portions. It really was fun and not too much of a time sucker.

I heard a rumour that you are moving in May, (I still stalk you on the Daily Check-in}( ;-). Moving out sucks, moving in rocks!

Let me know when you get a chance to mish this mosh:7

Take Care
Hey Terri, I was off this morning so I wasn't in enough of a hurry to watch the clock but, the weight sections of CM and blast sections of LM were fairly similar in length so it wasn't much more than an hour. Hope you give it a go, it really was fun.

Take Care

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