Hi Lisa, you bring up an interesting topic that we have discussed a few times in our household. Seems the terms are used by various professionals in the fitness industry in different ways.
HiIT is high intensity interval training with emphasis on high intensity. This is where you alternate lower intensity segments of cardio with bursts of higher, all-out intensity cardio. The intensity should be so high that you are pretty spent at the end of the 20-40 minute workout. Think Cathe's Shock Cardio 30/30, 40/20, Pyramid, RWH's HiiT (2 are low impact), Xtrain's All Out Low Impact HiiT, ICE Low Impact Sweat, Perfect 30 Low Impact HiiT.
Intervals in cardio workouts typically have higher intensity segments (but not necessarily higher/all-out) interspersed with regular intensity, steady state cardio. Cathe's IMAX workouts are typical - IMAX4 is lower impact. Although it seems like almost all Cathe's cardio have at least one segment of a higher interval - sometimes called "blasts". If you're a walker/jogger this would be interspering a steady state segment with a higher intensity segment or finishing your jog/run with a sprint.
Metabolic workouts use lighter weights for toning and a cardio effect. Years ago it was sometimes referred to as "Aerobic weight training" or "AWT". Classic Cathe would be ICE & LITE Metabolic workouts, however many other Cathe workouts may fit into this category depending on the weights used and the cardio effect. These are usually lower impact.
Circuit workouts can mean many things. It can mean a cardio segment alternated with a weight lifting segment as in Cathe's Low Impact Circuit step or a Bootcamp like ICE Bootcamp Circuit. Or it can mean a bunch of weight-lifting exercises done one after another, then repeated; or a similiar weight-lifting segment. Because they're completed without breaks, they usually have a cardio effect too. Many of Cathe's weight-lifting workouts are in a circuit style. Examples are all the PHA's and LITE's Strong Body Stacked Sets. If a workout has "rounds" its usually a circuit.
HTH, Deb