circuit or just straight cardio?


Active Member
I need you girls expert advice! Today I ate a little too much, and I'm feeling kinda full and stressed out. Which would be a better fat and calorie burner? A circuit workout from the terminator or hardcore extreme, or one of the Imax? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks girls! TLC
I burn more calories from a terminator or HCE than I do with any of the IMax's. I would also think the lifting involved would make you feel better over all anyway - I feel better after I lift.
Go with the circuit workout.

For a REAL stress reliever, do this exercise:

Ball Slams
Hold a 10-lb nonbouncing medicine ball overhead, back arched. In one motion, slam the ball to the ground between your knees as you drop into a squat, grab the ball, explode up to the start, and repeat.

"You can't win them all - but you can try." - Babe Zaharias[/img]
Thanks girls, a circuit workout it is!!! And I will also give the ball slams a try, hope I can walk tomorrow.
I would go with the circuit.

Oh my...we did those ball slams in my boot camp class last week. My sister pretended the ball was her boss's head. She felt much better afterwards.
Well I just got done doing Imax Xtreme from the terminator dvd, yes it kicked my butt, but there wasnt hardly any weight work with this one. I hope it will help still. I still have to do about 30-40 min of back work and abs, do you think that will help? I dont want to be killing myself for nothing! Thanks, TLC

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