Circuit Max


I love High Step Training, Muscle Endurance, and Boot Camp, and I'm wanting to add some more of Cathe's circuit training workouts. The video clip on Circuit Max doesn't show much of the cardio, it really focuses on the warm up and weight training. Can those familiar with CM tell me more about the cardio moves? How does this older workout compare with HST, ME, BC? Thanks.
I don't have HST but I have the others you mentioned and Circuitmax is different than those. IMO it does compare to Cardio & Weights as it has longer cardio alternated with short light weight sections. I am not sure of the times for each but I think another poster might know...:)...I like this workout and come back to it often...Carole
Circuit Max is one of my alltime favourites. It's cardiovascularly quite intense, like Carole said, the weight training sections are quite short. One of the reasons I like it is that it really keeps the heartrate up there through most of the workout, and I sweat buckets with this one. I count it more as a cardioworkout, but the weightsections (mostly compound) offer nice variety. The cardiosections are really varied with hi-lo, kickboxing and stepping (2 of each).

Intensitywise, this one is right below MIC and the Imaxes. Or maybe, it ranks equal with Imax2, depending on how much oomph you put into them. It is also fun to do.
Circuit Max is a tough workout. I find myself relieved when each circuit is over only to find the next one just as, if not more, challenging. When we finally get to the step section, I have to really push myself. During the weight circuits, my heartrate never goes down.

I believe the only way to increase fitness is to increase the intensity. You have to train your nervous system to turn off the pain and push through it.

It is an awesome burn and you will be cooking with gas! Get it, you wont be sorry.

The Cardio in CM is challenging and fun. I love that it is split between floor and step. The start is good old hi/lo with some plyometrics thrown in then one circuit is kickbox stuff from then on it's on the step. I don't have the DVD for this one so I don't know if cardio only is a premix but sometimes I do the warm up and hi/lo and just Fast Foward through the circuits and then finish with cardio only from MIC, I get a really good cardio workout and a break from the step. Try it, you'll like it!!!:7

Take Care
Circuit Max is really fun, and cardio-intense. Not sure how it compares to the others though, except it's not as tough as BC.
I think each cardio section is five minutes. Love this one, it always seems to fly by and I feel throughly worked afterwards. :)
Thanks for all the posts, this is really helpful. It definately looks like I should get this workout!
I just did Circuit Max for the first time today and really liked it. I am terrible when it comes to choreography, but I didn't make too many mistakes and could follow along with no problem. If you're used to Cathe's weighty workouts, this one pales in comparison, but because there is little or no rest between cycles, 8lbs is PLENTY. Very good aerobic workout. Can't wait to try Cardio Kicks next!

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