
Active Member
I did circuit max for the first time this week and really enjoyed it, but had some questions. First, I'm not sure how to use this tape as far as categorizing it as a strength or cardio(or both) workout. Should I do any other strength work during the week, and if so how much? Judging by how my body felt the next day, I do know that I probably won't want to do a strength workout on the days before or after this tape! :-wow :)
Hi, Collette! There was a recent thread on this very subject (can't remember the title of the thread, but I think it has "Circuit Max" in the title), and I think the consensus was, me included, that CM is more of a cardio tape. In fact, that is why resistance intervals are in a circuit workout at all - to keep the heart rate elevated rather than to strengthen the working muscle group.

You probably will get some muscle endurance benefits, but cardio is the workout's main focus.

I agree with Annette. I count it as cardio, but I don't do a strength workout the day before it either. The day after, maybe just upper body. Like I could see doing S/H Triceps/Biceps or Chest/Back the day after, especially the chest/back. Circuit Max is a good tape to use after a rest day also.
I use Circuit Max as a combined cardio/leg workout. I don't do the upper body exercises at all. I simply use a barbell/dumbell for squats, etc like Cathe does in her leg tapes. Using it in this way has given me the option of doing upper body strength work the day before or after Circuit Max.

:) Stacy
I'm with Stacy. I don't do any upper body lifting during a circuit workout, only legs. I lose my heart rate otherwise.

That's a really good idea Stacy! Then I could get a leg and a cardio workout in the same hour. I'm definately going to try that. :)
This thing killed me. I finally did the whole workout for the first time...I have trouble going back to segments missed with this DVD, ( could never hit the button right so I go from chap 3 to chap 4 and get frustrated with my back and ff button )but last night I did it all! Second time through I got the step portion (hehehe)( yup, am very pleased with myself thank you!) and was soaked by the end of it...Can you fully saturate a dri-fit nike bra? Cathe will make you. I vote CARDIO...and using the weight seg as lower body is brilliant, you guys are great!

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