Circuit Max vs. Bootcamp


Which, in your opinion, is the toughest of the two? In other words, if you have LOTS of weight to lose, which would you choose over the two if you could pick only one? Sad thing....I had both of these workouts and sold them on ebay awhile back. Now I'm thinking about them again. lol

I guess it depends on what else you have...if it were me, for weight loss my first choice would be circuit max since it has more cardio. What other workouts are you doing beside this? If you already have a good deal of cardio workouts, then I would get BC for the variety. Can't you get both? :) :) These are both great workouts!!

Not right now. :-( I have a million and one workouts, so I guess I have plenty of everything, but was wondering which would be best right now.

Circuit max is probably more complex, as it has 2 step routines in it, but they are easy to learn. Circuit max would be my choice because I think it is more fun and more cardio, but they are both great workouts.
I agree that Circuit Max is more complex. Bootcamp only has 8 minutes of true cardio - lost of basic, plyo moves. Circuit Max has 2 hi/lo sections, 2 kickbox sections (one uses the step) and two step sections. I don't think the choreography is hard to learn. The workouts really are very different because Circuit Max has so much more cardio and the weight sections keep your heart rate up more than boot camp (in my opinion).


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