Circuit max, Rhythmic step Power hour

Of the three tapes you mention, Circuit Max is the closest in intensity to BodyMax. Power Hour is shorter than MIS and uses lighter weights, but it certainly works them to the point of fatigue. What I would say about Circuit Max, Power Hour, and Rhythmic Step is that they are just plain more varied, more inventive, and at least for me, MORE FUN than BodyMax, which I find repetitive, and MIS, which I think is great but not quite as inventive as Power Hour. Circuit Max has six distinctly different cardio circuits and they are challenging to learn and really impressive in terms of the creativity Cathe puts into them. As for Rhythmic Step, I just think it's the most fun step tape I have ever, ever done, and I have melted by the end of it. I usually tack on abs and a cooldown to this tape just to get my body temp down. I don't think you would be disappointed with any of these new tapes. IMHO
Hi - I LOOOOOVE Circuit Max for its efficiency. It's a very fun, do-able workout. Lots of variety. It probably is what you're looking for if you want to combine cardio & strength training. Power Hour is fun---tough tough, too--but I believe Cathe considers this a strength tape, not a cardio workout. Have to admit that my heart is pumping during PH, so I'm sure there are some cardiovascular benefits to it. Rhythmic Step I have as well, but I've mastered only the first section and the warm up. The choreography is much dancier than Cathe's other tapes, so I'm taking my time learning it. Once you get down the steps, it is fun. It's pure cardio, though, no strength work. I think you'd find all three tapes a good investment in the long run! But if you want to buy only one tape, I'd recommend Circuit Max since you're interested in combining cardio & weights, and you want something intense. You won't be disappointed! Have fun, Suzanne

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