Circuit Max Question


Hi everybody!
I'm a major lurker over here and don't often post, but I have a question I thought you all might have LOTS of insight on.
Just did CM for the first time, great workout, but would like to know how others use it. i.e. do you forego the compound movements in the strength circuits in order to concentrate on upper or lower work exclusively in a given workout?
I use my barbell and only work my lower body during the strength circuits.
I do just as cathes doing.Although sometimes i think I am using a little more weight.The first set of squats with over head extensions, I use 10 pound weights.
I empazie mostly on the upper body.I don't think the weight work in it is heavy enough for your legs to get a heavy duty work out (i.e power hour,leaner legs).So I feel the burn in my upper body more so then in my lower body.
But it is a great work out,no doubt.I like it because if you do this video and your short on time, then you can get every body part in , in just 1 hour.
It depends, but for some reason the lower body movements feel way too fast for me. And pairing them with the upper body makes me feel like I have horrible form. My favorite way to do it is with the upper body emphasis only. I just do heels or side steps so I'm moving a little bit. Your heartrate will come down some, but you will also be able to go heavier. Plus, with Circuit Max I needed that little break! I loved the way it felt doing only upper body though. Oh, but I always do the balance leg work one. Love that one.

I use it in a couple of different ways...

-using my barbell as a leg/cardio workout

-as Cathe does, but I just consider it a cardio workout b/c I cant use heavy enough weights for upper body and have good form; thus the weights are just a way for me to get my heart rate elevated even more

-as a longer "10-10-10" workout by fastforwarding quickly thru the circuits, since the circuits sections are short enough, I jog in place thru the very brief FF session, and my heart rate doesnt seem to drop

I do it as Cathe does it, but follow it with a day of only cardio, or cardio with abs or chest, since the pushups in CM are not very demanding.
Thank you, everyone.
It's so great to see that people really tailor this workout to their specific needs!! thanks for all the great ideas.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-02 AT 10:33AM (Est)[/font][p]I do Circuit Max exactly as Cathe does. This is the only video where I can use exactly the same weight as she does! CM is a great, tough workout, and I consider it mainly cardio. I just did it last night!

I am always amazed at how the cardio sections just get tougher and tougher. That last part has me really working! And unlike IM, there are no breaks! Whew!

Also, I have to add that I LOVE the hi/lo in this tape. The first 15-20 minutes are so fun! I love the stationary and travel leaps, plyo jacks, monkey arm moves, etc.

Hey all,
The other day I tried CM again but this time I did it with no weight. For most of the strength circuits I mimiced the upper body moves (or did something else with my arms) while doing the lower body movements. Thank goodness I did upper body strength work that morning (MIS) because if I hadn't I would've talked myself into using weights, and I really need to experiment with this workout right now as opposed to doing it as shown. I got a great cardio workout, and felt totally great when I was through. The next day I felt great, too, not overtired! What a fun workout this is. I can't see myself getting bored with this. There's just so much going on, Cathe keeps you on your toes throughout the whole thing. And even though its super hi impact on some parts, it didn't have any repurcusions for me. Love it!
There is just something about the way the workout is done! I really like it ... right from the start. The choreography and Cathe's presentation. Plus the fact that it is hard but not really heavy on either legs or upper body and you can use it in a rotation more because of that.

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