Circuit Max question


Good morning, Cathe and Co.!

Just tried Circuit Max this weekend; I only broke three lamps and my husband's nose. Not bad for the first day . . .

Not knowing anything about kickboxing, could Cathe / anyone tell me what is meant by the cue, "Chamber the kick"? Does that mean control the extension or hyperextension of the knee, or what?

That is one mean tape! I love it!

Chamber the Kick

Hi there.
You may want to post this on the Cathe forum also, cuz Cathe usu. doesn't check the video question one.
As far as I can tell, you have the right idea. In normal aerobics, when you do a kick, the emphasize is often just from the foot and not a lot of form (you lift the whole leg pretty much at once, more like a scissor movement)
In kick-box, the usual method is to first aim the knee up in the direction of the kick (like a quick knee lift), then you kick out the foot (with the foot flexed instead of extended) and draw it back in fairly quickly. That's chamber the kick.
You have to be very careful of form so you don't snap the knee out. It is a VERY controlled move and you have to really think about it, keeping the thigh muscles and buns tight. I try to imagine pushing a person away from me with my foot in their midsection when I do it.
One of these days, stop the tape at that part and just watch Cathe. You'll see it. Hope that helps.
Hi Annette! Kristina is right, I don't always have the time to check into these forums but I did buzz on in here today :)! Yes, chambering the kick is when you aim your knee right in the direction of the kick. Once you have aimed your knee, QUICKLY shoot your leg out into extension (but do not lock out your leg)then just as QUICKLY as you sent your leg out, pull that leg back in (recoil)and place it down to the starting position.

Keep on kickin;-)!

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