Circuit Max Modification


Hi. I just wanted to share my morning workout with the forum. I popped in Circuit Max but realized I was short on time so after I did the warm-up I did the cardio sections but fastforwarded thru all the weight work. I just jogged in place during the fast forwarding which didnt take long at all since the weight sections are only 2 minutes. It was a very intense, but shorter cardio workout, total time was about 35 minutes for warmup and cardio. It was like doing a slighter longer 10-10-10. Just another option to add for those wanting a shorter but intense cardio session!

:) Stacy
Thanks for the idea. I am always modifying! Less so now that I have discovered Cathe. On of my favorite modifications has been to change the direction of the board in Reebok's "The Power Workout" so that all of my steps are straddle steps instead of forward facing. Another modification I sometimes do is in Body Max or any Cathe circuit is to substitute heavy upper body work for the lower body work. Jeanne

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