Circuit max -double grapevines


Hi all! Does anyone have any recommendations for a substitution for double grapevines in Circuit Max? I love that tape, but do not have enough room to do the double grapevines:-(
Hi Lynne, I don't have room in my apartment for double grapevines either. I just do one grapevine, and a couple of jumping jacks/kicks/knees, or whatever just to fill in the gap before moving on. I figure it's better than standing still!

When I exercised in a very small living room, I double grape-vined diagonally into a hallway. Same with the sashay's (spelling?)in Cardio Kicks. Just clear a space and go for it.
I haven't actually tried this, but here is an idea:

Keep the exact grapevine pattern, but instead of it being low impact, sort of jog it and make the whole thing smaller.

Because it will be higher impact, you won't need to cover as much space to keep your heart rate up.
I always do one grapevine facing the tv, and then one grapevine facing the side wall so that I am making an L. Does that make sense? If I did two facing the tv, I'd bump into my front door. Ouch.
My exercise space is small too. Whenever I don't have room ,or can't do a move, in Circuit Max I just jog or march in place.
Hi Lynne! You can do one grapevine to the right and two pumps (feet together and push up onto your toes twice like calf raises while the arms push up over head), then do the same to the left side starting with the grapevine. If you want more impact, grapevine right and substitute the 2 pumps with 2 jumping jacks or four jump ropes in place and then repeat to the left side starting with the grapevine. Good luck!
I just do one grapevaine and step in place for the second one. I think you need a football field to do many of Cathe's tapes!
But I modify, modify, modify and still get an excellent, humbling workout:-wow :-tired
Hey cathe!
Glad to see you over at this board. I like the jumping jack suggestion and will try it tomorrow.

>Hi Lynne! You can do
>one grapevine to the right
>and two pumps (feet together
>and push up onto your
>toes twice like calf raises
>while the arms push up
>over head), then do the
>same to the left side
>starting with the grapevine.
>If you want more impact,
>grapevine right and substitute the
>2 pumps with 2 jumping
>jacks or four jump ropes
>in place and then repeat
>to the left side starting
>with the grapevine. Good

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