In the catalog (and website) description for Circuit Max, it ends with the step circuits. I assume though that there is stretching, or abs or something at the end. Could someone breakdown this workout for me - I am thinking of purchasing it. Thanks!
I just did this workout today. After the final step circuit, Cathe has you do one-armed lat rows, pushups, planks and then stretch. No basic ab work, but the planks definitely work those abs!
It's fun and tough. Here's how it goes (did it this am, so it's relatively fresh in my mind):
Starts with an active warmup which is esssentially hi/low and a little kickbox;
circuit one: hi/lo then shoulder work w/squats;
circuit two: hi/lo then more shoulder work w/alternating lunges;
circuit three; kickbox then triceps or biceps w/back lunges;
circuit four: kickbox using step (fun) then triceps or biceps w/plie squats
circuit five: step then triceps w/ static lunges
circuit six: step then biceps w/leg extenstions
one armed rows