Circuit Max - anyone else do this?



I was wondering if anyone else uses circuit max as just an aerobic tape by omitting the weight work and just doing the moves without the weights?

Currently circuit tapes aren't in my rotation but I love CAthe for motivation. I find her choreography challenging so I decided to do Circuit max on a cardio day but do the weight moves without weights and concentrate on learning the choreography.

Surprisingly, I got a great aerobic workout! I was wiped.

Anyone else do this too?

Also, how is the cheorography in Bodmax?
I see no reason why you can't do it that way. I've always done it as Cathe has, just to get in an extra day of weights. I like to have a day of accomplishing both Cardio and weights in one workout.

Take time to enjoy those who matter most to you & do all things in moderation :)
I do Circuit Max the same way that Cathe does, but agree that there is no reason you can't do the movements without the weights. I think that Christi Taylor illustrates this in the third section of "Step Heaven" where several background exercisers do step only & she & 2 others use weights.

The choreography in Body Max will be familiar to you if you have done other Cathe tapes & the first segment uses a number of moves that you will know since you've mastered Circuit Max. It's not as complex as Rhythmic Step. Cathe mixes in some of the same movements in the second segment of Body Max (I was going to use the initials to abbreviate but then decided it looks too nasty!) This segment is a bit simpler choreography-wise IMO because it's circuit oriented & you need all your energy to keep going!!

You can use this workout any which way and get a stellar workout!
I've used it both ways and I like it both ways (i.e. you're still getting a killer cardio workout w/o weights). How I decide to use it depends on the rest of my week's schedule, energy level, etc.
I like it so much because it is a very flexible workout in this way, not to mention you will NEVER GET BORED with this workout (at least I never will) because of all of the constant cardio changes. I love it!
Thanks guys. I am about to log off this computer and workout. I think I'll do Circuit Max. Now my next decision - get Bodymax now or wait for the new Cathe tapes!
I never do it without weights, because the weights Cathe uses in it are so light, that it doesn't really tax my muslces anyway as a full on weight day would. I love that tape, but it really is a killer!!

Body Max is so much fun!!! The moves are not too complex, except for that figure 8 thing (I can never figure out what foot is doing the catapulting!!) and when she does the lunges on the step I can never figure out what foot is exiting off of what side. I just always end up being one step behind!! But I love the music, kinda hip hop. It sure feels WAY longer than CM though, but it is very comparable. Have FUN!!!
If I do PS SL/A or LL on, say, Mon, but want a leg workout later in the week, I will do Circuit Max but instead of doing the weights Cathe does, I use a 30 or 35 lb barbell and do the following: 40 reps of squats for the 1st weight cycle, 40 plies for the 2nd, 20 static lunges on the right leg, 20 on the left for the 3rd cycle, then I do 8 squats where I hold the bottom for 4 counts before coming up, followed by 8 reps of low end squats for the 4th cycle. I then switch to dumbells (8 lbs) and do static lunges for the 5th cycle (20 on each leg), then for the LAST cycle, I do static lunges with three counts up, three counts (8 on each leg) followed by the low end lunges from PH where Cathe goes down into a lunge then comes half way up 7 times before she stands all the way up. (I just do these to failure or until Cathe completes the 6th weight cycle - I have never counted the reps for this one). This is a great leg/cardio workout. Just thought I'd tell you about it. Have fun!
I love Circuit Max! I consider it a cardio w/o. I go light on the weights and I am still dripping w/sweat. I suppose you could eliminate the weights but why not go "light" just to get a bit of weight training in? In any event, you get a FABULOUS cardio w/o !!!!
I second this suggestion of Jilly Bean's. Circuit Max is Cathe's harderst tape, IMO. More so than Imax for me, anyway. Of course, that's just me talking using a 35# barbell for the weight segments. I save this one for a day when I have energy to spare, and that means I haven't done it in a while!!!
I've never done Circuit Max without weights, but I quickly found that if I tried to do the compound exercises Cathe did with lighter dumbbells I always fell out of my cardio training zone AND neither my upper nor my lower body felt like it was working very hard. Then I just substituted 45-lb barbell squats, plie squats and lunges (doing the 5th cycle with 3-count low-end squats and plie squats and the 6th cycle with 3-count low-end lunges) for ALL weight cycles, and I was in a lot more pain and a lot happier. I counted: in each cycle there are 56 standard tempo reps; 6 X 56 is a LOT of squats and lunges!

I like the choreography in Body Max too, especially the step circuit segment - if I can learn it anyone can!

Annette Q. Aquajock
I have to agree with jillyean & honeybunch.I find Circuit Max to be the most intense video.I love it and use moderate weights.I find the cardio portions intense.I find it more difficult than Imax or Bodymax.I don't understand why.I guess it's the circuit concept - rotating between weights and cardio with little or no down time.I feel like I have really worked out and have to keep pushing where as in Imax after the cardio blast I seem to recover more and the intensity is not constant and my heart rate goes down as I guess it is designed to do.BodyMax is endurance and I must say during the pushups I am weak and I have had to lighten the weights so I can complete the pushups.I think it it is the variety in Circuit Max that makes this tape truely unique.A must have for die hard exercisers.
Thanks, but I believe Aquajock is the Amazon - 56 squats with a 45# barbell!?! That makes this Amazon feel like Mini Me! But thanks for the compliment!

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