Circuit Blast


I just noticed today in round 2 of circuit blast that the plie squats with the cross body lateral raise is done differently in set one and set two. In set one, Cathe plies and raises her arm in the cross body raise. In set two, Cathe does her cross body raise upon standing up from the this a mistake or does she want to do these sets differently. When I was doing set two, I was like..wait, she is doing this opposite of what she did in set one...then, I realized it might be an error. Any ideas or did anyone else notice this? By the way, I really enjoy this dvd.
I just previewed this workout for the first time minutes ago. Yes, the cross raises are done differently but it might be the left hand/right hand kind of usage. I would do it however you get the most out of. For me, blasts #4 and #6 might be trouble.
I've noticed that too and it bugs me every time. It's definitely an editing error, but ultimately it has no effect on the workout. Just do what works for you.
circuit blast error

Thank you for those who replied to my post. It makes me feel better to know others have noticed this and find it annoying...but as it however and results will come.
Thank you!

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