cindy rae on oprah

Hey everyone!

Just one more reminder that this show will be on this coming Monday.(10th.) I just walked thru the room where my TV was on and saw an advertisement for this "weight loss success stories" being on and they showed Cindy! Hope I don't forget to record it! SOMEONE remind ME Monday morning. I'm such an airhead lately!!:p

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!
Thanks for the information

I always love to watch Oprah shows where people have lost a lot of weight or transformed their bodies. I have set my VCR to record the show today.

Thanks again,
RE: Thanks for the information

I was lying in bed feeling sorry for skinny little self yesterday
when Oprah came on. I gotta tell ya, I jumped out of bed and WORKED OUT!!! I could not believe what an inspiration these people were!!!!

Thanks for the heads up, Shelia!!! Just what I needed to bring me out of a funk!! I guess a lot of us don't have to overcome as much as we think we do!! Thanks again!!


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