cindy rae on oprah


Just a head up cindy rae from lean and forum will be on oprah it will air 2-10.Thought you might want to watch a fellow transformation's spotlight.I believe she did bfl.
Shelia, thanks for the heads up. I don't have TV, but if I did, I'd certainly tune in. I'm sure others will, tho.

HHMMM, maybe I'll get someone to tape it for me.:7
RE: Thanks Sheila!

no I don't just read about her on the forum and looked at her pictures.I believe someone said she was a grandmother( not sure)
but I love those kind of shows about people making there goals.I love oprah anyway what she shows is uplifting.
I am looking forward to watching this. How can anyone not want to see someone who totally transformed their life and body??? I love BFL. Do I follow it, NO. But, I have learned alot from it and is a great place to visit. I can't wait to watch it.
I'm a regular at Lean and Strong and I'm very happy (everyone there is very proud of her) and proud of Cindy, she's my age and because of her, I'm even MORE inspired to succeed!
I too am interested in watching the show and am sooo motivated by others successes!

I agree with Deborah on the unnecessary comment from K60. My opinion is that is what these boards are for..... to talk... share ideas. You may not always agree or be interested in what others are talking about. However, there are others that just well are.
I Care

Thank you for letting us know about Cindy and the site. I love to hear/see success stories. That is a great website.

I must confess that when I read the "who cares" comment this morning, I was angry. Why? because it was rude. Period. Denifitely, no "with all due respect" anywhere. Replies to posts like that are what keep new/other members from participating more often in the forums.

I truly believe it took more effort to post the nasty "who cares" than to just mark it and go on to the next topic. Wouldn't you agree?

This is the discussion board and all sort of topics are welcomed. That is what Cathe meant it to be. Go back and read it:

"Open Discussion
Protected forum
Talk about anything you like in this forum including other videos you like or dislike."

Lets be civil to one another, please.

Blessings from our home to yours...Runathon
check out her pictures transformation gallery cindy rae from bigining to end 11-7-02
K60's remark

I should probably stay out of this ..... But:

When I read K60's comment I too was shocked, also another of her posts on that same day seemed a little harsh/hostile, and I thought to myself "geez what a nasty person".

So I decided to search and read some of her other posts/responses and found that she usually is not this way. So I chalked it up to her probably just having a REALLY Bad day. I also noticed that she just had a baby last June, so maybe the hormones are acting up. I am not making excuses for her, I just know that when I'm having my atomic moments, (and they happen way more than I'd like! :-( ) later I hate to think that someone thought I was a complete b*tch because they only saw that one (or two...or three OK FINE 10!) moments of nastiness. ;-)

PLEASE don't think I'm preaching (ok it sounds preachy) I'm the last person who should tell another how to act or think. Not preaching just sharing my experiences.

But now that "Woman" who sold her free copies of DVD's--That is just wrong!!! x(

RE: check out her pictures

Don't forget to check out Pam B. and Shannon's pics too. VERY amazing!
RE: K60's remark

K60 doesn't have any kids. In fact, here's a post from her about the subject:

Annette: re you comments on the "family," I'll probably start a **storm here but I couldn't agree with you more.

I think the whole "kid" thing is . . . . well, maybe I won't go there. LOL. Suffice it to say, I don't have any, don't want any, never wanted any, and don't want anything to do with anyone else's either. I think well over half the people who have kids are totally unfit to be parents. And the Christmas/kid complex is so Machiavellian, I just can't believe people buy into it.

I don't want to get people who have kids by choice and are happy with that all riled up. You have a right to do what you want. I just don't see the payback and never have.

Personally, I find some of her posts offensive, but I figured that we just have very different personalities. On another recent thread about this topic, she said that she hoped that Cindy didn't sit too close to Oprah because Oprah may eat her. I am guessing that she hates Oprah or just has a really different sense of humor than I do.

RE: K60's remark

Oops Erica you're right. I'm so embarrassed! I mis-read one of her posts. I knew I didn't know enough to get involved!
When will I ever learn to listen to that huge voice that shouts in my head, do you really want to do this?!?
Thanks for letting us know. I kept checking to see when that show might air. I've been dying to see it. Really appreciate it.
RE: K60's remark

True things may be acting up.But this is where the rule applies...."if you don't have anything to say , then don't say anything at all"! Considering the fact to that she actually had to type it and post it.It's not like it just blurted out of her mouth before she got to think about it.If she wasn't interested then she should of never responded.
Rude people irratate me to NO END!
WOW, I just checked the site out b/c I didn't know who you were talking about.She looks awesome.Man, I don't look like that now, can't imagine what I will look like when I am her age:+
As a 60+ year old, I find cindy rae's transformation wonderful. I discovered the site last month, read her transformation and I even printed it out and put it on my bathroom door. What I love is the real joy she shows in her contest, as opposed to the others who have manufactured smiles---she just glows, as if to say, "Yes! I did it!" I'm going to have to tape the show, tho' I never have watched Oprah in my life.
Thanks for the heads up on Cindy. I read her story at the leanandstrong site, and it's very inspiring

Tonya R.:)

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