
I just previewed this one, Sharon Twombley's Athletic Step Jam. I'm okay with choreography. It does seem like it has a few tricky parts to learn, but overall it looks like a good one. The stability ball section looks like a nice 22 minute add-on too.

I also just got Amy Bento's In The Ring, but havent previewed that one yet!
I don't have any of Sharon's workouts but that one sure caught my eye! I have 3 Amy Bentos (CIA Hi Lo, ITR, ASCII) that I own that I haven't tried and 2 Cathe's (CK, CM) I haven't attempted yet so I REFUSE to buy anything else until I do them. Man, I'm seriously tempted though...

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
>I don't have any of Sharon's workouts but that one sure
>caught my eye! I have 3 Amy Bentos (CIA Hi Lo, ITR, ASCII)
>that I own that I haven't tried and 2 Cathe's (CK, CM) I
>haven't attempted yet so I REFUSE to buy anything else until I
>do them. Man, I'm seriously tempted though...
>Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.

Get to those Amy's! ASC II is my absolute favorite steady state step workout! I haven't decided if HiLow Knockout will replace my favorite current hilo workout, which is Amy's HiLo Dome Challenge, but if I don't like it more, it's right up there with my current favorite. Amy's hilo is fun, fun, fun and the music in HiLow Knockout is awesome!
Hi Angela,
Thanks for the kick in the butt re: my untried Amys! }( I have to learn new stuff in small chunks or I get completely frustrated. Glad to hear you like them so well--I have done 1/2 of HiLo extreme and really liked it so I'm sure I'll love these others. I just love cardio...

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
I have done Sharon's workout and really enjoyed it. Have not done In The Ring yet by Amy Bento. Anyone tried it?

I really enjoyed it. She doesn't cue like Cathe; however, it is nice that she doesn't break down the moves as much- at least for future workouts. I find after a few attempts, I absolutely love Amy.
I have done one of the premixes on Amy's new dvd and I like it a lot. I had a little trouble with a bit of the choreography because I am new to Amy but for the most part I didn't have trouble catching on and it was challanging.

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