Chrome dumbells ??


Active Member
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-12-01 AT 12:06PM (Est)[/font][p] want beautiful Dumbells for my birthday!!

anyone know if there is any significant difference in quality between the different make of chrome dumbells...... ? How can Ivanko say their dumbells are solid chrome? they are steel with chrome on top.....
anything wrong with iron with chrome?

Is there any reason to consider the "pro" style fixed plate dumbells .. vs the regular chrome one piece dumbells?

I currently have dumbells like Cathe uses in her tapes. I have 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 and 15 lbs dumbells. I also have a barbell which came with two dumbell bars but I never use them. I find that I use such a variety of weight that I hate changing plates so often. I had a few dumbells made of more of a rubber material which were basically the same type of quality as the metal type. My hands seem to sweat more using the metal ones but weight lifting gloves solved that problem. I'm not sure if that answers your question or not, if not, I'll try again.


thanks Stacy!!
so if you were out shopping and could buy any dumbell you wanted..which ones would you buy?

I personally like the generic hexagonal ones - I like the balance & they seem to weigh true. (I've checked!) I have a bunch of them starting with 3 lbs. up to 20 lbs. I had some of the rubber (?) coated ones, didn't like the feel of them. Probably just personal preference though.
I agree, if I had to go out and buy new dumbells all over again, I'd still purchase the hexagonal ones like Cathe uses in her videos. I dont know if this was clear in my last post, but although I dont use the dumbell/plates that came with my barbell I definitely LOVE my barbell!!

thanks...why would you like those best?
they dont roll
would be one good reason.
they are the easiest to find and least expensive.

Anything else?
I guess for one, they just seem more professional to me, I'm not into "fashion colors". Also, I originally got them b/c they didnt roll. I have a long distance relationship and travel alot and I hated them rolling around in my trunk, but the main reason is that they're cheap and easy to find anywhere.

:) Stacy
I have the hexagonal rubber coated dumbells with contour handles
and they are the best by far in my opinion. The regular dumbells
chip and peal after a while and look horrible. The rubber coating is great. Floors are protected and the contour handles
make it easier to grip and they look good.
I have the hexagonal rubber coated dumbells with contour handles
and they are the best by far in my opinion. The regular dumbells
chip and peal after a while and look horrible. The rubber coating is great. Floors are protected and the contour handles
make it easier to grip and they look good. I got them for $1.50
a pound.
protecting the floor counts... right now i keep my dumbells on a towel because i have a nice oak floor and i wouldnt want to damage the dumbell or the floor!!

having a covered surface seems good... i hate the smell some metals leave on my hand..

I guess thats a definate consideration for me.. the metalic smell.

Has anyone any opinion on the shape of the grip? i have seen "ergonomic" dumbells... I have never handled one.. I wonder if it matters.

Thank you, I appreciate all the input i am getting. And its good to see a sampling of different thoughts.

You travel with a trunk!
I havent done that since i took a frieght ship to Italy as a kid!!

I am impressed you take your dumbells with you!
I take rubber tubing...

thank you again!
Hi again, I've never tried the ergonomic type of grips, but I forgot to add in my last post another reason I favor the hexagonal dumbells. Because they don't roll they make a great substitute for the push-up handlebars Cathe uses in her tapes (MIS tape I think)I have bad wrists and using them for this purpose makes push-ups only "hurt so good" for the chest, not the wrists.

Happy Shopping,


P.S. I meant trunk of my car, not travelling with a trunk...I'm too wimpy to carry something like that around!
who knows where my brain is when i think the trunk is a piece of luggage...!!
Must be in a different millennium, a century or two behind the times.

yes, those hex dumbells make good push up handles... I was just suggesting that idea to someone else today who was wondering where they could find push up handles!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-14-01 AT 03:13PM (Est)[/font][p]I buy the rubber (or neoprene?) coated dumbells they sell at Target. The price is pretty reasonable, about $1.00 per pound, give or take. They're not hex shaped, but they do have a couple of flat spots which keep them from rolling. I'm very happy with them, but I don't know if they go beyond 12 lbs. I have 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12's. After that, I think I'll stick with the plain old hex dumbells, which usually run about 50 cents a pound. The other good thing is I can fit the 3,5,8, and 10's plus my pushup handles inside my rubbermaid toolbox that I use for a tall box (I don't move it with all the weights inside!)and stash it at the end of the sofa. The hex dumbells are too long to fit inside.
those neoprene bells are getting alot of votes!

I have to find that rubbermaid toolbox...just to have a look.

I built a bunch of boxes like the firm ones....but its smart to have storage at the same time!

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