Christmas Rotation Checkin 12/03

I found the article, ShyWolf,and while the jury is still out and more study needed, whole fat dairy products seem to have a protective factor.Of course, whole milk products ate discouraged after age two.

My oldest daughter, who will be fifteen in January has exercised induced asthma and gets bronchitis every wineter. Happily, all of the children in our family who have had it, have gotten progressively better and outgrown most of the symptoms as they've aged. I will say a little prayer that your gets bypassed by asthma! Winter is brutal with the dry air! So many nasty bugs going around! Where are you? I hate to tell you but in Tucson the mornings are nippy but afternoons hit the high 70's and we are enjoying it so much. Makes those 110 degree days of summer seem more tolerable!
Bobbi Chicks rule!
Hello again! I did CTX Kickbox warm up and stretch and arm drills followed by the shoulder work. I skipped the stretch and did an hour of Yoga. I was thinking that skipping around in the DVD's, say doing the low mipact portion of Step Intervals along with the above mentioned stuff would be great. I can't wait for the BB's, tht workout blender should make programming the more feet friendly parts into a perfect workout!
Have a great day!
Bobbi Chicks rule!
I just finished CTX kickboxing too. Now I feel like I need to finish it off with some yoga. LOL! Don't you find it hard to get in enough yoga. I wish I had time everyday to do it.
Hey, Shywolf, I'm sorry that you "baby" has asthma. I had a friend who had severe asthma when we were growing up, and I have to say she was a trooper! She has suffered, but she's never given up doing the things she loves.

Well, my day has started again exhausted. I didn't get to bed until nearly 2 and woke up several times during the night. I'm just not sure what's going on. Probably just thinking too much. If I could only concentrate so hard on actually getting stuff done instead of stressing over it! After IMAX, my legs feel very good and "jumpy". I get home at 5 today and I'm going to do Power Hour and Step and Intervals. I love that workout. Eating has been awful... 2 doughnuts for breakfast. Every week 1 person brings in breakfast... today's particular person generally brings healthy breakfasts, as she is diabetic and takes great care of herself, but she must've run out of motivation today :) I didn't eat at home, so I devoured the junk.

Ok, time to get back to work and chug some coffee.......

Ahh, Sunnyside, the world would be a nicer place if everyone did yoga everyday. My husband came downstairs to find me laid out in corpse pose doing final relaxation and scared me half to death! :) I was so much more relaxed when I did it everyday but adding back in cardio and strength makes it so hard. I'm adding a minimum of two yoga workouts per week to my New Year's list of things I ought to do!

Sara, I only alllow doughnuts in the house a few times per year, birthday breakfasts and school vacation treats. Those things are too darn tempting. Nothing should melt on the tongue the way a doughnut does! I find it hard to focus on clean eating when I am tired! It's not too difficult around here though since the human eating machines I call my kids and husband wipe out goodies so quickly, I rarely get to indulge before they are gone. I guess that's ok because you know what they say, "a moment on the lips, forever on the hips!
Bobbi Chicks rule!
I am the eating machine in my house :-( I wish I could be like my dad - he despises sweet anything... and no surprise, he has no weight problem what-so-ever.

Well, no workouts for me today. I was already very exhausted, but was still going to get myself to work out. But then my boss paid for us to get flu shots a couple of hours ago. My arm is very sore!! I was really hoping to work hard tonight. I've never had a flu vaccine before, so I really hope that I don't get sick from IT!

I am loving that it's a Friday. Only 1 hour to go!! I am going to rest and rest and rest this weekend. And if I haven't been infected and my arm feels better, i'm also going to push myself as far as workouts go. Adn then rest and rest some more :) I think I might go for my first run in months tomorrow if all is well. As long as it's dry, winter-time can be a beautiful season to run.

Have a wonderful evening!

Hi Everyone,
I had an O.K day.Nothing new.I got home from work and felt like I needed a nap,but not before I ate 3 cookies.And a handful of chips(the diets not going that well).But in the meantime I didn't have any dinner.
When I got up from my nap I worked shoulders and I did Imax extreme.I don't know if 1 hour of cardio took care of those cookies or notx( I hope.
My hubby wanted to go out and getting something to eat but it is 9:45 and i have to work at 7 in the morning.Plus...I am a little stomach sick from the cookies.Hopefully I turned myself from them;(
I didn't work legs today either.I have more time tomorrow so I am going to do it then.
Chat to ya later..
I was at Walmart and almost bought some junk "for my kids". Then I decided not to buy it because I was hungry and I'd go for the goodies if they were on hand. I am training myself to opt for a peice of dark chocolate after dinner and eat decadent foods only on special occasions.

Winter running is wonderful! I am going to try a few miles in a couple of weeks. Maybe. I think my right arch is going to collapse to be like it's twin because it's painful when I rise in the am. I am in denial right now so everything is fine!:)
Bobbi Chicks rule!
Hi everyone,
It looks like it is going to be a run for me today.The girl I run with runs in the winter time, on the road.I prefer not to but it is a nice day out so I will go.
I worked at 7 today and I am feeling a little sleepy.I am going to take a quick nap b/c it is my hubbys christmas party tonight.I want to be able to last for a while.I think I will have a few drinks tonight.
Bobbi-thanks for your kind words on my other post.I think I am just going to wheen them out of my personnel life and keep them in my social life.(our hubbys)Although I will probably be talked about:-( But I don't CARE! They have probably already gotten the hint.One of them just found out that they were pregnate last week and I still haven't called her to congratulate her.And I went out for dinner with the other one last saturday night and the conversation was forced.I will see if she shows up at the party tonight and I think I am going to treat her the sameway she treats me when we go to gathers...yeah your there...but no big deal.
Anyway,off I go to nap!
UGH! I run but have I ever told you about how much I hate it?x( I think it is a metal thing.If I go by myself I am fine.I guess b/c I go at my own pace.But sometimes I have this fear of when you workout with someone you may need to take a break, and then you will be a bother to the other person.I guess thats the chance everyone takes if they want a running partner.We go a cretain route and then we can loop around a couple of streets twice(takes an extra 20 min)I decided to come on home and she is still running.I have been up since 6 and I only had 3 candies,a piece of cheese today and a 10 min nap.I know it is not sensible but I haven't been hungry and I want to save my calories for tonight:)
I also worked triceps before I went and I STILL didn't get legs in.I consider running to be a great leg workout though.I took Wed off so I probably won't take tomorrow off.I will try to do legs and cardio.
Have a good night everyone!
Enjoy your nap, Lori! I am glad you worked through your dilemma. Don't you know you've been added to my list of favorite Cathites?:)

I took a nap at 9:30 AM because I discovered the only thing worse than getting up too early is getting up too early after going to bed too late! My daughter was baby sitting for a woman who was going out for a late supper and I volunteered to drop her off and pick her up since her small children would be asleep and I had to pick my other teen up a 11:00 from Gameworks, the arcade at the Mall anyway. Who has dinner from 9:00 to 12:40? And I almost slept in but our cat's had a fight under the bed at 10 to 6:00. I was so braindead this morning, I crawled back in and feel better now.

Still, I am rolling my Meaner Legs workout over to tomorrow, doing PUB on Mon, cardio on Tuesday and PLB on Wednesday. Wednesday afternoon the UPS guy should show up so I am doing something BB on Thursday!
Bobbi Chicks rule!
Its me again.I just put my dress pants on that I am wearing tonight.They felt a little lose but I hung them up to dry b/c I didn't want any static in them or for them to shrink.I decided to hop on the scale which was pretty brave of me considering that I just drank a big glass of water and Its not wise to weigh yourself in the evening...anyway,enough babbling,I had 2.5 lbs gone.Last time I weighed I was 131, now I am 128.5!:) I may not have all of that gone though b./c I am probably partly dehyrated from the run but I will weigh again in a couple of days just to see!!!!!!!!:7

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