Christi or Margaret


Hi. I need to add some variety to my Cathe strength workouts and I'd thought I'd either try Christi's Strength, Balance and Flexibility or Margaret Richard's Upper Body Sculpture. For the most part, I'm not a fan of Christi only b/c her choreography is too dancey and too complicated for me, but I like her music and personality and have read good reviews about her SBF tape. Margaret Richard's only has one review to go by, but it was a good one. Or, maybe I should just wait for Cathe's new stuff, so many decisions, so little money. In the end I'll get them all b/c what I dont get will eventually be put on my Christmas List. Any suggestions as to what to get now though??


:) Stacy
Hi Stacy,
I don't actually have SBF, but at it is available pretty inexpensively. Much cheaper than anything Margaret Richards has, I think, so if cost is a factor that should help with your decision. I love Christi, and I'm sure the tape is great!
I like Margaret Richards (had Sculpture Upper Body Express--from Borders for $10, but it is very short and I don't know if it is still available for that price), she has a nice personality and can burn you muscles with very light weights, so she would be a good choice, too.

Both of these use much lighter weights and probaby higher repetitions than Cahte stuff, and would be a good addition to your collection...

Not much help, I guess, unless cost matters :)
I like Margaret Richards. I haven't done her exercises in a long time, but used to regularly. At that time, I also thought they were very effective.

Her tapes, if they are like the tv shows, are a little different. By that I mean that she doesn't do sets X reps per body part with rest in between. She will do a body part for about 5-8 minutes in a dynamic little routine without putting the weights down.

Caroline Knorr
I have Christi's Strength, Balance, and Flexibility and even though I LOVE Christi's style, I find the video a little easy and, in some places, a little lacking in form instruction. I do this video when I really want a light day - like if I'm recovering from an illness or feeling tired. That said, it's really not an easy tape and there are lots of challenging squats and other glute-strengtheners. I think this would be an awesome tape to do as a companion to a cardio day, if you're gonna make it a long workout. But it's not a replacement for a weight day. Christi's personality is great and she is totally engaging - so the workout goes pretty fast.
Hope that helps!
I like Christi, although I'm not fond of her step tapes. I love Margaret, but her tapes are prohibitively expensive! I'm sure she would sell many, many more if she lowered the prices! However, I have bought 3 or 4 of her tapes on Ebay for much less than the original price.
You could also try the trades page on VF.

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