choreography of the new 4 DVDs



hi cathe

i would like to know if the type of choreography of your new DVDs.are the step aerobics more complex choreography or athletic/moderate choreography? i prefer the latter but i enjoy high intensity. also, i'm kinda disappointed you didn't come out with another Cardio Kicks 2. i hope u will soon!

Hi! I'm not Cathe but I had asked her about CK2 a while back. She said she had thought about it but it didn't make the "cut" this time around. She's still thinking of doing one but I think it's on the back burner. She also said she was going to try to incorporate kickboxing style cardio in her Bootcamp video.
Hope this helps! Susan
RE: Yeah, but.........

that's after she puts The Wedding Video, Mega Step Blast, and as a bonus Step N Motion 1, on DVD. Those are the only three videos that are not on DVD. Wishful thinking of course. LOL

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