Choosing a Workout for Muscle Definition


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Hi, All...

I only want to order one weight training DVD at this time and I am primarily interested in muscle definition. I am considering the following DVDs:

1)Supersets + Push/Pull
2)Slow & Heavy Series
3)Pyramid Lower + Upper Body

Which do you think will offer maximum results? Or would you recommend using another one of Cathe's videos?

Hi, I think any of the DVD that you chosen are great:). The S&H should only be use 3 weeks at a time but you can always go back after a few weeks. My all time favorite is The Pyramids, then S&H, and last Supersets+Push/Pull. I really think the Pyramids will give you good Definition IMHO because it gave me great results:). I usally do S&H for a few weeks then follow by the Pyramid then back to S&H. Heck get them all if you can but If I had to choose I would say the Pyramid. HTH
Hi, I have been using S&H for 4+ weeks now and my muscle definition and growth has been just phenomenal. I just love the S&H videos. It allows you to lift heavy weight without running a risk for injury, because of the wonderfully slow, controlled pace. I like the other videos too but nothing seems to compare to S&H for me results wise.
ITA, I have been working out for years and nothing gives me results like S&H. I notice a differnce in my strength quickly too.
Forgive me for butting in but how many times a week are you working each body part?

Thanks in advance.

how heavy of the weights do you use to get definition but not too bulky? I have 5 - 15 lb bumbels. I'm starting to see more muscles now since I started using Pure Strength. I just got Slow and Heavy today and will use it after a few more weeks with PS.
I think "bulk" is mostly due to your genetics. Some people can use very heavy weights (I do, or at least I like to think I do!) but will not look bulky. Others (those who are of a more stocky build, like Tony Little...I can't think of a female equivalent..oh,yes, if you watch Sharon Mann's show on FitTV, there is a woman named Calabrina who is built kind of like a tank, but is very fit and has no visible cellulite...wish I could say the same) can get bulky using lighter weights. You just have to see what works for you. If you find that you are starting to get "too bulky" for your tastes, then add in more cardio, and switch some of your strength building workouts to endurance workouts, like PH.
They are all great workouts! I just got Slow and Heavy so I haven't done the workouts yet but I have done the Pyramids and PP/SS. I LOVE the Pyramids. I noticed definition right away. I love the concentration and all the reps. Fantastic!!
PP/SS are also very good. You didn't mention the Pure Strength series. Sorry to add to the dilemma!:)
Hi Lisa,

I'd go with the Pyramids as well. I've been doing them for about 4 weeks now and they're just awesome and provide great results. Plus, you can cut the workouts in half on time-pressed days by only pyramiding up or only down.

I also have Slow & Heavy but haven't done it for a while. I find that because I can lift quite a bit already (I've been lifting for about 2.5 years), I can't get enough weight on the bar for squats while still being able to lift it over my head to get it into position. I know others have found this too. You either need a weighted vest to supplement what you can put on your bar and still be able to hoist up and over your head, or a squat rack - costly and not feasible for me right now.

So, I would go Pyramids for now - they're great for strength and definition.

dsa3, you are going to love S&H. It's my all-time favorite Cathe workout. Barbara mentioned that you should only do S&H for 3 weeks at a time, but you can actually do them for as long as you have the focus. Cathe suggests shorter rotations because many people find it difficult to sustain the concentration, but I love the intense concentration and can stick with an S&H rotation for 6 weeks or more before I get tired of it.
With S&H I do 2 body parts on Saturday and 2 body parts on Sunday. Then I do one body part per day most of the weekdays. So some body parts get once and some get twice, but in the end it all evens out. Does that make sense?

I have the Pure Strength Series, so I work one body part a day during the week and then I work them all on Saturday using the Body Max DVD.

I already have the Pure Strength series. I can detect an increase in strength, but I haven't been able to notice a lot of results in my definition.

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