Choosing a strength video-Help!


New Member
I am in the process of choosing my first Cathe workout. I think I've narrowed it down to CTX Upper and Lower, MIS or PH. I am currently doing Joyce Vedral's pyramid system and like it but am looking for something else to rotate with that. You all are sooo knowledgeable and I'm wondering what you might suggest. I have spent hours reading these posts and workout descriptions trying to decide!
Thanks in advance for your help....
The Pure Strength and the Slow and Heavy series are both worth a look if you're looking strictly for stength training. I find the Slow and Heavy series adapts well to a pyramid approach if you want to stick with that.

CTX UB and Leaner Legs are both more endurance-oriented. If you want to lift heavier, I think PS or S&H would be better choices.

Hope this helps,

I guess it depends what you're looking for, they're all excellent and give results. The major difference is whether they are more strength geared or more endurance and also whether they are total body or splits., fast-paced, time flies, endurance oriented, total body including abs

CTX UB...more endurance oriented, but very tough and one of my favorites. I feel drained after this one. I oftentimes will split this one up into back, chest, shoulder and then bicep and tricep on another day.

MIS...more endurance oriented than strength in my opinion, but short and sweet and easier to break up into separate lower and upper body days than something like PH

Pure Strength...a split set, slightly lower rep speed so more strength oriented. Great floor work in the leg workout too.

Leaner Legs...killer, more endurance oriented, great ab section.

S&H...great, but for me require alot of focus so I dont do them too often.

Something to think about! Let us know what you decide.

:) Stacy

You may want to start with Pyramid Upper/Lower, Muscle Endurance or CTX Upper. As mentioned here, depends on what you're looking for and how heavy you'll be lifting. Leaner Legs is an awesome workout, as is PLB and they all have great ab workouts. Hope this helps!

Take care,

The best video to start you on a strenght training would be MIS. It is the best because you can use it to build up your strength - by increasing weights as you get stronger. It is not as fast paced as Power Hour, ME or Body Max - these are both endurance workouts. You can start with the heaviest you can manage and as your strength builds up just increase the weights. It allows for that because the pace is medium rather than slow (Slow and Heavy) or fast (Power Hour).

I started with this tape and even now I still find it very challenging. It was very good for building up my upper body strength. I don't imagine I will ever grow out of this (nor any of Cathe's weight workouts for that matter).

This one you can always come back to again and again.

Ok...I STILL haven't ordered anything yet but I think I finally decided to get the Boot Camp/Muscle Endurance DVD. Now, after reading about the Body Blast series, I'm wondering if I should wait for the PushPull/Supersets DVD. Yikes! I'm such a dork!
I too would recommend MIS I have all of the tapes but I think this would be great to start with and you will never grow out of it! Good legs and glute section which is first then the upper body Very easy to split into 2 days or do all in one day. This is still one of my favorites!

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